The fall of an angel’s car carrying a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal in Port Said … and the death of a child (photos)


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The ferry crossing of cars and individuals between the two banks of the Suez Canal at Port Said witnessed the fall of an angel car carrying a family of four from the rear of the ferry in the Suez Canal during the anchoring of the ferry from Port Fouad. in the West Bank, Port Said side.

And several of the ferry passengers and passersby rushed to undress and plunge into the water and were able to save the head of the family, the wife and the child.

The Suez Canal Authority paid a team of divers and rescuers, and the car and the fourth child were recovered in critical condition and he died during his treatment.

Eyewitnesses traveling on the ferry said that the angel car was the last car to board the ferry from Port Fouad, and the ferry crossed the channel and when the ferry landed in the West Bank towards Port Said, they were shocked by the sound of a crash, and it turned out that the car was moving backwards and falling into the water.

Major General Adel Ghadhban, Governor of Port Said, went to the place where the car fell and continued the operation to pick it up and rescue its passengers.

The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal
The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal
The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal
The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal
The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal
The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal
The fall of my angel’s car that was transporting a whole family in the waters of the Suez Canal

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