The fact that the state has wasted huge sums of money to implement road and bridge projects that do not conform to standard specifications.


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The Cabinet of Ministers Media Center denied the news that some websites and social media pages circulated about wasting huge sums by the state to implement road and bridge projects that do not conform to standard specifications.

The Media Center of the Council of Ministers contacted the Ministry of Transportation, which denied the news, confirming that it is not true that the state wasting huge sums of money to implement road and bridge projects that do not conform to specifications. standard, explaining. that the new network of roads and bridges is planned and implemented in accordance with the latest international standards followed, as it is subject to For a complete review process to ensure compliance with the standard specifications, by (two committees affiliated to the Authority of Roads and Bridges, one of whom are supervisory engineers and the other is an advisory committee, and an advisory committee of the company that wins the road tender), indicating that the highway and bridge sector has witnessed great development , which is reflected in the progress Egypt has made. 90 places in the international competitiveness index in the field of road quality, to reach position 28 globally by the end of 2019, compared to position 118 in 2014, as this development contributed to reducing the mortality rate due to traffic accidents by 44% during the year 2019/2020.

In the context of the state’s effort to extend a gigantic road network as part of the comprehensive development Egypt is witnessing, to create new urban communities and accelerate agricultural and industrial development, around 4,800 km were implemented in the first and second phases of a project. total of 7,000 km planned to be implemented by the National Highway Project, and the development, maintenance and efficiency improvement of 5,000 km of the current road network at a cost of 15 billion pounds, in addition to the implementation of 11 axes on the Nile at a cost of 14 billion pounds, during the period from July 2014 to December 2020.

We call on the different media and social network users to investigate the accuracy and objectivity in the publication of news, and to communicate with the competent authorities to make sure before publishing information that is not based on any fact and that has as an objective to undermine national projects implemented by the State.

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