The execution of 3 Syrians in Egypt for committing two murders – Erm News


The execution of 3 Syrians in Egypt for committing ...

An Egyptian court has sentenced 3 Syrians, who are a doctor and his lover, the doctor and the latter’s sister, to death by hanging for killing the accused doctor’s husband and his sister in the Giza governorate. And in the details

An Egyptian court has sentenced 3 Syrians, who are a doctor and his lover, the doctor and the latter’s sister, to death by hanging for killing the accused doctor’s husband and his sister in the Giza governorate.

In the details, the security services received a notification that a foul smell emanated from one of the properties, and that the detectives had moved to the scene of the incident, the bodies of both the accused’s husband, who also works as a doctor, and of his sister, both of Syrian nationality, were found with a deep killing wound to the neck.

Investigations revealed that behind the accident was Ms. Hadeer (31 years old), the victim’s wife, and she is a Syrian doctor. The indictment also includes the doctor “Muhammad A.”, a Syrian, and his sister.

Investigations also revealed that the defendant had an illegal relationship with her friend, “Muhammad A.”.

On the day of the incident, the defendant placed anesthesia on the victim and his sister while they were inside the apartment, then communicated with the defendants, engaged in massacreing them, confiscated their cell phones and sold them, and threw the weapon used in the accident on the river Nile.

The defendants admitted in detail to the Prosecutor’s Office that the accident had been committed, and the first defendant admitted that there were differences with her husband, the “victim”, and that he had divorced her more than once, and left the apartment under of the claim and residence with the second and third defendant, and also confirmed his relationship with the second defendant in an illegal relationship and that he wanted to marry. She asked the victim to officially divorce him more than once, but he refused.

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Abdullah Al-Masry – Erm News
