The evidence could be disastrous … Corona befriends humans?


Source: Dubai –

At a time when the wheel of life gradually began to spin in the world with the facilitation of isolation procedures, the British newspaper “The Guardian” published a report on Sunday saying that scientists have found evidence of mutations in some strains of the emerging Corona virus indicating that it can adapt to humans. Which represents an “early warning”.

Analysis of more than 5,300 crown genomes from 62 countries showed that although the virus is somewhat stable, some “genomes” are acquiring mutations, including two mutations in the “protein peak” that the virus uses to infect human cells.

Scientists also say that the genetic change in the “Spike protein” is a sign of the crown’s adaptation to its human host.

According to researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, it is unclear how mutations affect the virus, but these mutations that have arisen independently in different countries may help the crown to spread more easily.

To that, the researchers added that Spike mutations are still rare today, but Martin Hibbard, professor of infectious diseases and one of the study’s authors, said his appearance highlights the need for global surveillance of the virus to quickly detect disturbing mutations.

From New York on April 30From New York on April 30

Scientists fear larger mutations in the “Spike protein” because the mutations can alter the behavior of the virus and increase its spread.

The “spike protein” is mentioned as the primary target of vaccines that researchers are currently preparing to prevent the virus, and if the protein changes a lot, the vaccines may become useless.

This applies to antibody therapy also known as “Spike protein”, and when genetic mutations in the protein occur, this treatment may also be less effective.

Notably, the emerging virus has killed more than 280,693 people worldwide since it appeared in China in December, according to a count prepared by AFP at 7:00 p.m. GMT on Sunday, according to official sources. More than 4,070,660 injuries were officially recorded in 195 countries and regions. Statistics only reflect part of the actual number of infections, as many countries do not perform tests to detect the virus, except in the most dangerous cases. And among these cases, at least 1,354,100 wounded were recovered.
