The elimination of the “glass restaurant” in Alexandria … and the governor: seeing the sea is a right of all citizens (photos)


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Today Monday, Major General Mohamed Al-Sharif, Governor of Alexandria, led a massive campaign to remove the “4X4” glass restaurant on Corniche Road in the Loran district of Sharq district, following the expiration of the contract between the tenant and the government.

Major General Gamal Rashad, Head of the Central Administration for Tourism and Resorts in Alexandria, Muhareb Haila, Head of Sharq District, and all concerned executive authorities participated in the campaign.

For his part, the governor said that the campaign is part of the governor’s plan to eliminate all the facilities that block the view of the sea on the Alexandria Corniche, and stressed that “everything that blocks the view of the sea will be eliminated. Seeing the sea is a right of all citizens ”.

Al-Sharif added that the greenhouse restaurant is being dismantled in an engineering manner that preserves it, allowing it to be installed in another area that does not obstruct the view of the sea, in order to preserve public money.

The governor clarified that all the facilities that block the view of the sea will be removed, once the contract period between them and the government has ended, saying: “We respect contracts and the law.”

It should be noted that the governorate of Alexandria carried out a similar campaign about a month ago, which resulted in the removal of the “Taverna” cafe in the Sporting area on Corniche Road, after the contract period expired.

Alexandria Corniche glass restaurant removal … and the governor: “Everything blocking the sea will be removed” – video and photos

Alexandria Corniche glass restaurant removal … and the governor: “Everything blocking the sea will be removed” – video and photos

Removing the glass restaurant on Alexandria Corniche … Governor: “Everything blocking the sea will be removed” – video and photos

Alexandria Corniche glass restaurant removal … and the governor: “Everything blocking the sea will be removed” – video and photos

Alexandria Corniche glass restaurant removal … and the governor: “Everything blocking the sea will be removed” – video and photos

Removing the glass restaurant on Alexandria Corniche … Governor: “Everything blocking the sea will be removed” – video and photos

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