The dog is pure and its saliva does not cancel the ablution.


The show, “Nazra,” broadcast on the “Sada Al Balad” channel, hosted by journalist Hamdy Rizk during today’s episode, features the top 10 fatwas broadcast by Dr. Shawky Allam during his host of previous episodes of the show.

Dr. Shawky Allam, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, stated: The dog is pure according to the Maliki school of thought, according to which the Egyptian Dar al-Iftaa fatwas, and the dog’s saliva does not spoil ablution and there is nothing of bad at raising a dog as a guardian, although most scholars consider the dog to be impure.

The Grand Mufti added that it is not allowed to kill a dog unless it is prohibited, and the killing is carried out through veterinary clinics, and the sale and purchase of dogs is allowed if there is legitimate justification.

In another context, the Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, revived the International Day of the Arabic Language, which falls on December 18 of each year, registering it on social networks, Facebook and Twitter, through which he greeted all Arab parents. And all the teachers and specialists in science of the Arabic language.

His Eminence also called on the Arabs to observe their language, and to feel proud and proud of this language that God chose to carry his last message to all people, emphasizing that the Arabic language is the master of the languages ​​of the whole world. , and that it is a question of identity and survival for Arabs and Muslims..
