The departure of the icon of the Algerian Amazigh rite “Idir”, the owner of the wonderful “Avava Innova” – thought and art – arts


The great Algerian Amazigh artist, Idir (Hamid Cherit), died last night Saturday at Bisha Hospital in France, after a fight against the disease, as announced through his official Facebook account.

The deceased artist, born in 1949, is the ambassador of Amazigh history and song throughout the world.

Idir was born in Algeria in the village of Ait Lahcine in the Kabylie region, studied geology and was supposed to join one of his country’s oil institutions, but in 1973 he replaced a singer on Radio Algeria to perform a children’s song. After that, he recorded the song “O Abi Nova” (Amazigh: A Vava Inouva) before going to the military service, and that song achieved a great reputation.

Eder is also known for being a defender of peace, as he is among the artists enthusiastic about artistic demonstrations that support humanitarian and national affairs, where he and the young Khaled participated on January 22, 1995 in a ceremony to the attended by 6000 people of different nationalities, and this is to support international efforts and consolidate the idea of ​​security, peace and freedom in The world is in the context of the annual activity of the Algerian Life Association, which is chaired by Cheb Khaled. Idir also participated in an honor ceremony for the murder of El Wounas, who was assassinated in 1998.

The year 1999 was for the artist Idir, one of the most fertile years of art and the most important in terms of album production, where he managed to gather a large number of international artists and musicians such as the French Mane Chau and Maxim Foreste and the diffusion Irish Karen Matteson and Gennawi and the Algerian team Zaida, and the English Jill Servat and Dan Armbraz and the band Uimadan Geoffrey (onb) This is to record a song by VAVA INOUVA, and therefore the singer Idir has recorded three albums in thirty years.

In addition to art, the deceased artist had interests in the environment and nature, and this led him to become involved in the Ecole Axon Association, which seeks to restore respect for nature, especially forests, and encourages children to plant trees. by giving them a symbolic prize.

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