The dates for the final series, starring Youssef El-Sherif, “Episode Three” air today on ON E and Drama.


Now we will know the date of the final series, starring Youssef El Sharif on channel ON, where the channel on on and channel ON drama are broadcast exclusively on the screen of the final series for Youssef El Sharif, where the star Youssef El Sharif He returns to the Ramadan drama again after the absence of the past two years, and the last work done by Youssef Al-Sharif in past Ramadan is the Kafr Dirlehab series in 2017, which achieved great success at the time.

Final series Starring Youssef Al Sharif, starring Amr Abdel Galil, Sahar Al Sayegh, Nahed Al Sebaei, Ahmed Wafik, the series written by Amr Samir Atef and directed by director Yasser Sami and produced by Synergy Tamer Morsi. The series revolves around the idea of ​​development that is expected to occur 100 years from now. And how to use robots in many works and their impact on life at that time.

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The date of the final series.

The final series for Youssef El Sherif will be shown exclusively on the channel ON during the holy month of Ramadan, and the first program of the episode will be at 10:15 pm, while the replay will be at two o’clock at night, while that the second repetition will be at two o’clock in the afternoon.

The End Series is the first Egyptian science fiction series in Egypt, and it’s an adventure we’re always used to from Youssef El Sharif, who is cooperating for the fourth time with author Amr Samir Atef, and the series talks about the ability of robots after 100 years of us to penetrate life and influence both the positive and the negative on a planet Earth, which can threaten its end.

And the series of Youssef El Sharif achieve great success in youth circles precisely because of their great difference with the rest of the works, especially because they tend to accelerate, and this somehow limits it to a specific age period, and the announcement teaser for the series that was presented before the days of great success has reached where work has reached where work has reached Trend through social networks.

The Youssef El Sherif series is one of the series that is expected to attract a lot and dominate the trend of social media sites during the early days of the drama, especially since the Youssef El Sherif series does not always reach the highest levels of viewing among young people, especially in light of the proximity of the history and excitement of American artwork with Put Some Science Fiction on it.

Immediately before the start of the exhibition, the champion of the final work, “Youssef Al Sharif”, spearheaded the Twitter trend in Egypt, where many of his fans await the start of the art exhibition, which many expect this year, since who will surely compete for the strongest artwork during the current month of Ramadan with fierce competition with A number of stars present in Ramadan’s career.

Final series, third episode

After the overwhelming success and huge positive reactions witnessed in the first and second episode of star Youssef Al Sharif’s series “The End,” millions of fans of the Ramadan drama are eagerly awaiting new episodes of work that carry a new idea and content. different from the previous dramas, so what will be the events of the episode The Second?

The work says at a time when the coins will have no value, so people will receive energy and exchange, and everyone will have the ability to treat themselves, but at the same time the world will be in great danger due to human behavior. irresponsible, insofar as the end is imminent, which is what a hero tries. Youssef Sharif’s work was saved.

Youssef Al-Sharif predicted during the first episode of the series that the United States would collapse economically and that it would not become the world’s first force and the destruction of the Zionist entity after the victory of the Arabs and the return of the lands to the people. Palestinian. The ending series, starring Youssef El-Sharif and Amr Abdel-Jalil, is mentioned to be the first science fiction drama in the history of Egyptian drama.

The second episode of the final series.

The second episode of the series, the finale, has now started on On Channel E, and with the beginning of the episode, the episode appeared as a single shelf on social media site Twitter, and we will write the details of the episode immediately after its completion. , so they will follow us, mentioning that the final series stars Youssef El Sharif and Amr Abdel Galil.

With the appearance of the second episode of the series, the ending starring Youssef Al Sharif from Light, he received high approval and a few things that were absent from the viewer during the episode and became clearer as the director introduced the actors and the new terms clearly illustrated until it reaches all viewers of the work thus far, and of the second part of the episode the events began to struggle more and more.

The work says at a time when coins will be worthless, so people will receive and exchange energy, and everyone will have the ability to treat themselves, but at the same time, the world will be in great danger due to behavior irresponsible of humans, insofar as the end is imminent, which is what a hero tries. Youssef Sharif’s work was saved.

And through his page on Facebook’s social media site, Amr Samir Atef attacked the author and script of the final series and criticized some of the media fans who accused him of citing the final series of works. Foreigners, Atef was very close to the skeptics using strong terms and suggestions, but with the beginning of the work he seems to have won. Bet

The third episode of the final series ended a while back and the series still receives admiration from its fans, who claim day after day that the work is different from the drama that the Egyptian public has been accustomed to seeing for the past few years, especially to through the quality of the decoration and the photography different from the stereotype of the Egyptian dramas and the diffusion. Great graphic
