The coordinator of the Sun Downs club gives clues to solve the Al-Ahly Sereno agreement


Khaled Ali, coordinator of the South African team Sun Downs, hinted that the Al-Ahly club has settled the Uruguayan side, Gaston Sereno, winger of Sun Downs, who is looking for the Red Genie to obtain the services of the player during the next winter transfer period , in order to strengthen their ranks with distinguished elements, before participating in the Club World Cup. .

Khaled Ali, known for his strong affiliation with the Al-Ahly Club, changed the image of his personal account on the social networking site “Facebook” and posted his photo with Sereno without commenting on it, in an indirect sign that Al- Ahly ended the deal in her favor, prompting the masses to follow Khaled Ali to emphasize that the deal was closed after the Sun Downs coordinator posted that photo.

Khaled Ali and Sereno
Khaled Ali and Sereno

Al-Ahly went to great lengths over the last period to include Sereno, and those efforts managed to close the deal for the Red Castle despite strong pushback at first from Sun Downs management, who stuck to the player early on. before the South African club agreed to sell it to Al-Ahly due to Serino’s insistence to leave the Red Castle. .

Serino put intense pressure on Sun Downs management to persuade her to accept Al-Ahly’s offer and told her that he had played for almost three seasons at Sun Downs and wanted a new experience and would not present anything new to the club if he continued between. their ranks without their desire.

At Sereno’s insistence and Al-Ahly’s tempting offer, which reached $ 3 million, Sun Downs agreed to finalize the deal, which will be announced in the coming days.

Musimani spoke with Sereno during the last days about the processing of various matters related to his attendance in Cairo, residence and other details that the player asked the technical director due to the strong relationship that binds them since Mosimane was technical director of the team Sun Downs before taking on Al-Ahly training on October 1.

Musimani’s strong relationship with Sereno contributed to the finalization of the deal in favor of Al-Ahly, and although he witnessed several pitfalls, it was finally concluded and there was nothing left but the official announcement, which will happen in the coming days.
