The arrest of Egyptian businessman Salah Diab in financial cases – Erm News


The arrest of Egyptian businessman Salah d ...

Egyptian police arrested a well-known businessman, Salah Diab, this morning, Tuesday, for being involved in various financial cases. Security sources told “Erm News” that it is from

Egyptian police arrested a well-known businessman, Salah Diab, this morning, Tuesday, for being involved in various financial cases.

Security sources told “Erm News” that a statement will be issued on the details of Salah Diab’s arrest, and more details will be revealed.

Diab owns several companies that have been prosecuted for a series of violations during the last period, and investigations into these violations have been carried out for years, but the fate of these settlements has not yet been decided, for which he was arrested. pending investigations.

It is noteworthy that in 2011, the prosecution issued the decision to withhold the funds of Salah and his partners, after several reports filed against him, and the reports were sent to the investigating judge in the case of corruption of the Ministry of Agriculture and the seizure of state lands.

In 2015, the security services arrested engineer Salah Diab, founder of the newspaper “Al-Masry Al-Youm”, accompanied by his son Tawfiq from his home in Giza governorate, and they were released before Diab was arrested again.

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