“The 7 am incident” … a source reveals the details of Saleh Jumaa’s arrest: “Try cat.”


04:45 pm

Friday 11 September 2020

Books – Muhammad Al-Sawy:

A security source revealed new details about the arrest of Al-Ahly club player Saleh Jumaa, emphasizing that the player refused to pay damages to the owners of the cars he collided with.

The source told Masrawy, on Friday, that while the player was walking through the Zamalek area, specifically on Mohamed Mazhar street at seven in the morning, he collided with two cars and got into altercations with their owners, especially part of his refusal to pay the price to repair the damage, indicating that their refusal led to an exchange. With the words between him and the owners of the cars and pedestrians, the player tried to calm the situation by revealing his identity, but the contradiction with the words between him and the pedestrians did not stop.

The source added: “Saleh Jumaa tried to escape from the parking lot, got into his car and fled with him, but the security forces in the area managed to control, arrest him and take him to the Qasr al-Nil police station.”

The source confirmed that the Al-Ahly player underwent a drug test, to show whether he had used narcotic substances or not, after his seizure. And it is being referred to the Public Ministry to initiate investigations.

Security source: Al-Ahly Saleh Jumaa player arrested in Zamalek

Clacket again. Saleh Jumaa was charged in another incident involving the car of a Zamalek player

Source: Saleh Jumaa Underwent Drug Screening After Zamalek Accident
