Tawakkol Karman talks to Al Jazeera about her membership in the Facebook Content Control Board … what did she say? Al Jazeera Arab Al Jazeera


  1. Tawakkol Karman talks to Al Jazeera about her membership in the Facebook Content Control Board … what did she say? Al Jazeera Arab Al-Jazeera
  2. Ahmed Musa: Kerman is leaving not only in support of terrorism around the world, Puerta Al-Ahram
  3. Ahmed Musa appointed Tawakkol Karman to manage Facebook, a known conspiracy that echoed the country
  4. Facebook my brothers sponsored by Tawakkol Kerman
  5. Tawakkol Karman “for Al-Jazeera”: These are the goals and plan of the Censorship Board on Facebook and the Saudi tweets that attack Al-Jazeera.
  6. See full news coverage on Google News