Tariq Al-Erian’s first divorce from Asala: enough defamation, and I have the right to defend


03:51 p. M.

Friday 25 December 2020

I wrote – Mona Al-Moji:

A host of social media leaders shared Hala Al-Attal’s first comment, director Tariq Al-Erian’s first free free, on the post written by artist Asala, commenting on his photo with Syrian model Nicole Saffan, whose Her name has been rumored for a long time, indicating a link between her and Tariq.

Omar Tariq Al-Erian’s mother Hala wrote: “This is the first time I was able to answer, the photo is hard for you, okay, when I saw a thousand photos and my son was not in it, what was my feeling ? It was more than hard, I was oppressed, it’s okay when you were writing. The family and my son were not there, their feeling was what? Her children have Ayman al-Dhahabi’s father who is alive and well, but my son only had one father, and unfortunately I cannot give details.

And she continued: “Ok, when we were trying to talk, your answer was what, you see, tough and not loving with who you are now, permissibility, love and ten in details that nobody can know. Well, you think one day if the father can buy his son from his blood, and reject injustice, that is fine. ” I thought that in the psyche of a child, you could be destroyed, right now your children are upset about the breakup, so they talk to him for him until now, please enough on the children and I have my right to defend my child whose psyche he was still bad, from the war for his father, long after the separation he was in. I wish you a continuation, and our Lord testifies to me, but this is my part, the most important thing for my children now. “

Hala added: “The sufficiency of defamation on Tariq, he is not betrayed, and you know that very well, and the most important thing is the man today, but the children. There is no distortion of the image, and he is free and you lived. with him 13 years and I lived 10 years, and I did nothing of my life, because the most important thing was my son “. Me, please, please, because Tariq is the best father in the world with his children, and you know it well. “

Asala reposted an image that Tariq Al-Erian, the father of her two children, Adam and Ali, had reunited with Nicole Samaan, via Instagram, and the artist commented: “It’s the harshest image I’ve had since the beginning of my story of the day, and from the moment I saw it for about thirty hours and I am the basis of what I tried to believe, in it. A person in an image had dignity and power of soul and soul “.

And he continued: “The six dear to whom you thank for the best night of their stay, do you really believe?” But only a stimulus for injustice, ingratitude and denial, the truth is that everyone knows it without what I say. Keep it as long as you can .. And for my father (Adam and Ali), except what you do is not human, it is a flaw. “

He added: “Forgive me for my behavior that should not be, but my amazement at his ability allowed me to transcend all sorts of precautions and distract my thinking.”

