Syrian star Omar Alsumah is a candidate to join Al-Ahly for free in winter


The Al-Ahly club received an offer through one of the players’ agents to join Syrian star and scorer Omar Al-Somah, the Al-Ahly Jeddah forward, after the end of his contract with the Saudi team. during the next winter transfer period. Many offers to leave at a time when Al-Ahly is expected to join the battalion of clubs wishing to probe Al-Somah’s applications after being nominated to join him and support the Red Offensive in the winter..

The leaders of Al-Ahly raised two alternatives to support the team’s attack during the next winter transfer period, in case the contract with Uruguayan striker Justin Sereno, forward of the South African Sun Downs, failed, and the administration of Al- Ahly would put Al Ain Emirati striker Laba Kudja and El Gouna scorer Walter Bwalya as the best substitutes if Serino did not finish. South Africa’s number one, Pitso Musimane, Al-Ahly’s technical director, was sought before Omar Al-Somah joined the red options..

The new striker dossier heads South Africa’s Pitso Musimani discussions with the club’s planning committee in light of the desire to hire a new foreign striker during the upcoming winter transfers to support the team’s attack in the new season. The Al-Ahly administration plans to include the player during the next Winter Market, scheduled to begin at the end of next January, and then register him in Africa to be able to participate with the red team in the Club World Cup in Japan, which will be will be held from February 1 to 11 next..

Al-Ahly reached an agreement with Sereno and his agent, as well as his club, Sun Downs, who refused to sell the player to Al-Ahly during the transfer period due to the need for his services on the one hand and the lack of material agreement at that time on the other hand, since Sun Downs required to obtain 5 million dollars to sell the game at the time it was offered. Red Department only $ 2 million.
