Suspension of studies for a period of two weeks and return on January 8. The Minister of Education reveals the truth


Dr Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education, said that there is no intention to stop studying for a period of two weeks, as in European countries, and explained: “The situation in Germany is different. 25,000 injuries are recorded every year. days and we logged 500, so why do we follow suit? “

And he added: “Some rumors spread on social networks that the study should stop for two weeks, to return to January 8, similar to Germany, following: I assure parents that there is nothing to worry about, and the Committee of Crisis Management did not recommend closing schools and universities. “

Shawky continued by phone with journalist Ahmed Moussa, host of the “Ali My Responsibility” program and broadcast on the “Echo of the Country” channel, that the curriculum had not been changed in the high school stage, but what had changed was the assessment method to save the generation that had not yet joined the new curriculum by telling them to understand things. Instead of memorizing it and changing the concept of “High School Muttaqbaq Ba’baa”, it terrified students and families.

He noted that the basis of affairs is being thrown from the bottom up, which is why Egypt advanced in the global index, 11 pre-university education centers with the index of scientific knowledge in one year, noting that the ministry expects that within two years Egypt is among the top 20 countries in the world rankings. .

It targeted technical education, the latest recent advance, due to the elevation of the applied technology slogan, which links technical education directly to the job market, and the first batch is scheduled to graduate in June 2021 with new careers in biochemistry. , artificial intelligence, communication sciences, programming.

He continued that all the developments pursued by the Ministry of Education are being carried out in parallel, noting that technical education is experiencing a boom and great progress at present, especially that Egypt has advanced 23 centers in one year, which is a great achievement and, in turn, affects the Egyptian economy and job opportunities.
