Surprise .. The Olympic Committee reveals a measure that Murtaza Mansour did not make regarding the decision to suspend him for 4 years


Eng. Hisham Hatab, head of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, announced that the committee had appealed the decision issued to “invalidate the Zamalek Club list” at the Egyptian Center for Arbitration and Arbitration, since the decision obtained by the former club president Zamalek, Mamdouh Abbas, was suing the Egyptian Olympic Committee first. Appeal this sentence, and the decision will be made by the Court of the Sports Arbitration and Liquidation Center.

Eng. Hisham Hatab said, in statements to the “Ontime Stadium” program of the “On Time Sport” channel, together with the journalist Saif Zaher, former president of the Zamalek Club Mortada Mansour and head of the current temporary management committee of Zamalek, yesterday they interfered in the appeal that was filed by the Egyptian Olympic Committee. The sessions will be deliberate; For the issuance of a sentence, either confirming the first degree sentence or issuing a new sentence.

Eng. Hisham Hatab added that the Egyptian Sports Law, the Olympic Charter, the Egyptian Olympic Committee Regulations and the Code of Ethics have been implemented to address complaints made against the former president of the Zamalek Club, and the committee has taken formal and legal action with respect to his powers in the complaints filed against Murtado Mansour. Issued by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in which it has dealt, according to its powers, with numerous sports clubs and federations.

Eng. Hisham Hatab indicated that the decision of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee to suspend the former president of the Zamalek Club for a period of 4 years has become final. Because he did not take formal appeal measures، According to the established legal terms، So the decision against him became final.

The head of the Egyptian Olympic Committee explained that there was a letter from FIFA about the Zamalek club and the decisions issued during the current period, and the Egyptian Olympic Committee responded in accordance with the regulations, laws and the Olympic Charter because all the steps that were taken were with reasons and documents.

The engineer Hisham Hatab highlighted in his statements the existence of All the respect and appreciation for the Zamalek club, its fans and members; Because it is one of the largest and most important sports castles in Egypt., Indicating that What happened، He was with the former president of the Zamalek club، And not with the Zamalek club، There must be a strict separation between a decision issued against “a person who has violated all regulations and laws.”، Numerous complaints were filed against him “and between the” entity of the Zamalek Club “, which was not affected by all the decisions handed down against the former president of the club.، The Zamalek club entity remains and continues and has all the support.
