Surprise … Sonsen Giraffe Won’t Marry South African Male


Dr Mohamed Rajaei, head of the Central Department of Zoos at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, said the giraffe Sansen will not marry the male from South Africa, who was named Zizou, as it was decided do not move the three giraffes from their current position and thus Susan the giraffe will remain alone for more than another two years, until Zizo mated with Shiki and Farah, and transferred their offspring to the home of the giraffe Sawsan, which is in another home away from “Sheki, Farah and Zizou”, and which also helps to protect the varieties of the mix.

Speaking to him today, Rajaei added that the park is always working and in an unprecedented way to multiply and exchange animals with zoos in the world, and the park has witnessed an increase in hippos in the recent period after preparing the environment. for him to reproduce by removing the area that was contaminated for more than three years, which contributed to his number has multiplied enormously, and the number of turtles, bacon, pelicans and flamingos, internationally required animals, has also increased.

It is noteworthy that giraffes come from a nature reserve in South Africa and live in an open forest with trees and wild animals, and the environment in Giza Park is strange to them, as well as the voices of the public and the language they hear.

It should be noted that the giraffe import contract was carried out in accordance with the animal exchange system known as the “CITES Wildlife Protection” agreement, in exchange for hippos and a series of water males, to solve the problems of accumulation or deficit in some wild animals.
