Summary and events of the second episode of the series, the series starring Amir Karara 2020, the date of the episode’s replay and the broadcast channels.


The events of the second episode of the series, The Choice, we follow you through your distinguished place on the crossbar, and we offer you the dates of the episode’s replay, where the first episode witnessed much excitement and shortly after His presentation became the conversation of the Egyptian street and social networks, until many viewers expected that the series chosen with the presentation of the final series for Youssef El-Sherif 2020, will be one of the most viewed series in current Ramadan. , as the current season of Ramadan bears witness to many jobs competing strongly in the most watched race in Ramadan.

The Choice series embodies a true story from Colonel Staff of Ahmed Al-Mansi, who was martyred after his guerrilla operations in the Sinai governorate, after his many attempts to nullify many terrorist operations and succeeding in many of them. .

The events of the second episode of the 2020 series

The second episode of the selection series. I witnessed many events that the viewer could understand, the most important events that will take place in the series in general, and the most important events of the second episode in the selection are

  • The appearance of the great artist Majed Al Masry as an honorary guest.
  • Artist Amir Karar, the hero of the series, was affected by the terrorist incident that occurred at the time of Ramadan iftar by Egyptian soldiers and they were martyred.
  • The episode shed light on the military training carried out by the military, officers and soldiers of the Egyptian armed forces.
  • Artist Majed Al-Masry seemed to embody the personality of the forgotten martyr commander.
  • Amir Karara, the hero of the series, asked his leader to go to the Sinai province.
  • The episode witnessed the funeral of the bodies of the martyrs of the Rafah operation.
  • The appearance of a member of the terrorist group, which is performed by artist Islam Hafez.
  • Hisham Ashmawi appears to be asking to go to Sinai and participate with the Nusra Front forces in Syria and wants to be like Zawahiri.

The most important and prominent events after the first episode, the chosen series

The selection series has become the second watch series in the first episode on YouTube, as announced by the company that produced the series, and is written by Bahir Dowidar and directed by Peter Mimi, and was starred by Amir Karara, star of the series, and actor Ahmed Al Awadi, Dina Fouad, Mahmoud Hafez, Sarah Adel and Zia Abd The creator and various artists, and the series tells the story of the martyr hero Ahmed Al-Mansi.
