Sudan is preparing for worst-case scenario over Ethiopia’s great Renaissance dam


11:48 a.m. M.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Dubai – (dpa):

Sudan began its worst-case-scenario preparations regarding Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam, especially after Ethiopian officials declared their intention to implement the second fill-in of the Renaissance Dam, without reaching an agreement with Sudan and Egypt.

On Wednesday, the Emirati newspaper, “Al-Ruya”, quoted the head of the technical staff of the Sudan Ministry of Irrigation, engineer Mustafa Hassan, saying that “the Sudanese government is totally against filling the dam unilaterally, and Sudan stipulated the signing of a binding legal agreement for Ethiopia. “

Hassan added to the newspaper that “Ethiopia will embark on the second filling of the dam unilaterally next July will directly affect the Rosaries dam, and all life in the Blue Nile behind the Rosaries dam, including the hydroelectric generation of the Rossires reservoir. and the Meroe dam, and drinking water stations from the Blue Nile and the main Nile, to the city of Atbara, in addition to the negative impact on irrigation projects on the Blue Nile and Main Nile, and above all, a threat to life and the safety of approximately half the population of Sudan on the banks of the Blue Nile.

The newspaper also quoted Osama Abu Shanab, the Irrigation Ministry’s media official, “The Ethiopian dam threatens the lives of 20 million Sudanese living on the banks of the Nile and threatens facilities on the main Nile up to Atbara.”

According to water expert Ahmed Al-Mufti, there is no mediation, stronger than the mediation of America and the World Bank, but Ethiopia rejected the draft they proposed, and therefore the only alternative is to stop the negotiations and withdraw from the Declaration. of Principles for the year 2015, to make all the works of the Renaissance Dam, thus far, “illegal”. And the matter was referred to the Security Council in Chapter Seven.

The Mufti added to the newspaper: “There are no negative repercussions for withdrawing from the Declaration of Principles, because it is because Ethiopia violated it first, especially the first one that filled out voluntarily, the failure to carry out the studies specified in the declaration.” . , and the lack of compliance with the safety of the dam defined by Principle No. 8 of the Declaration “.

The Mufti noted that “the participation of Sudan in the management of the dam could be a solution if several issues are available, the first of which is the issuance of decisions of the joint management mechanism, with the consensus of the representatives of the three countries, and for the joint management agreement to be in a very strict formulation, and issued by decision of the Security Council, according to chapter The seventh, with the presence of international guarantors, and very dissuasive measures in case Ethiopia breaches the agreement, including the suspension of the operation of the dam by the Security Council. “
