Study: Heartburn Medicine Shows “Anti” Coronavirus Results


According to a statement issued by the study authors at Irving University Medical Center at Columbia University, “compared to the rest of the patients, those who received famotidine had a reduced risk of dying or being placed on a respirator “

Last April, hospitals in the US state of New York offered treatment of peptic ulcers for people with the emerging coronavirus to see if they were helping to fight the virus, and conducted clinical trials to treat famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepsid tablets.

Dr. Kevin Tracy, president of the Feinstein Institutes of Medical Research, the research arm of Northwell Health, commented that there are many examples in the history of medicine that demonstrate the ability of a medicine designed for a particular purpose to influence the treatment of another disease.

“If famotidine treatment is successful, it will be easy to use on a large scale as it is available and cheap,” he added.

Tracy indicated that hospitalized patients took large intravenous doses, nine times more than what a person consumes to treat heartburn.


It’s unclear whether the improvement in patients is related to famotidine for treating heartburn or just coincidental, according to the CNN website, which cites research published by Medrxiv, a specialist in medical studies and research.

“Based on what we have learned in this study, it is encouraging,” said Dr. Joseph Konigliaro, co-author of the paper and a physician at Northwell Health, which runs 23 hospitals in New York City, and said he was convinced by the association. between this medicine and the recovery of Covid-19. .

Famotidine has been on the market for almost 40 years and is an active ingredient in Pepsid tablets for heartburn.

Of the 1,536 patients studied who did not take famotidine, 332 (22 percent) died or were placed on a ventilator. Of 84 patients taking famotidine, 8 (10 percent) died or were placed on a ventilator..

According to a statement issued by the study authors at Irving University Medical Center at Columbia University, “compared to the rest of the patients, those who received famotidine had a reduced risk of dying or being placed on a respirator “

Last April, hospitals in the US state of New York offered treatment of peptic ulcers for people with the emerging coronavirus to see if they were helping to fight the virus, and conducted clinical trials to treat famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepsid tablets.

Dr. Kevin Tracy, president of the Feinstein Institutes of Medical Research, the research arm of Northwell Health, commented that there are many examples in the history of medicine that demonstrate the ability of a medicine designed for a particular purpose to influence the treatment of another disease.

“If famotidine treatment is successful, it will be easy to use on a large scale as it is available and cheap,” he added.

Tracy indicated that hospitalized patients took large intravenous doses, nine times more than what a person consumes to treat heartburn.
