Studies: Wastewater control can lead to crown-infected patients without controls


Studies: Wastewater control can lead to crown-infected patients without controls


sewage water

Experts said the science of wastewater monitoring can be applied in various countries around the world to help monitor the spread of the Corona pandemic locally, reducing the need for large-scale testing.

Experts in this field known as wastewater epidemiology say that as countries begin to ease Corona’s public isolation restrictions, wastewater research may help indicate the presence of the virus in monitoring and address their outbreaks.

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Initial mini-studies by scientific teams in the Netherlands, France, Australia and elsewhere found evidence of the possibility of “Covid-19” being detected by corona infection in sewage.

“Most people know that they are extracting a large amount of this virus through particles in the droplets of the lungs, but what is not well known is that a smaller percentage of the virus comes out in the faeces,” said Davy. Jones, professor of environmental science at the British University of Bangor.

This indicates that, on a larger scale, analysis of sewage samples can roughly indicate the number of people infected in a geographic area without the need to examine each person.

Jones added: “When a person becomes infected with ‘Covid-19’, they begin to eliminate the virus in the sewer system … we take advantage of this science and follow the movements of people’s excreta.”

He noted that this measure was previously used to control risks to viral health and disease, and noted that it is an effective tool in global efforts to eradicate polio, as scientists in Britain and other countries have used it to control antibiotic resistant genes in cattle.

Scientists conducting preliminary studies on “Covid-19” -contaminated wastewater in Europe and Australia confirm that what they extract is not an infectious virus, but dead molecules or parts of the virus’ genetic material that are not carriers of the infection.

Source: Reuters
