Steps … inquire about the result of the second year of secondary school (link)


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The results of the exams of the first semester of second year of secondary school topped the list of the most searched in the Google search engine, after the Ministry of Education and Technical Education announced its appearance, today Monday.

Students can obtain the results of the second grade of secondary 2021 through the link of the official website of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, which the ministry announced on Sunday, through its official page on the social network Facebook.

Al-Masry Al-Youm explains the steps to check the result through the link.

1. First, you access the link of the result of the second grade of secondary school.

2. The student records the required data, which are his code and seat number.

3. Choose the query results icon.

4. Once the student completes the steps above, all the details related to his result appear in front of him.

On Sunday, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education announced the emergence of the results of the two grades, the first secondary at eight in the afternoon on Monday, and the result of the second secondary at twelve in the afternoon.

Last week, first and second grade high school students had finished taking their first semester exams, committed to taking precautionary measures to prevent the emerging coronavirus.

The second semester was recently launched at the level of schools and universities in several Egyptian governorates, also in the framework of emphasizing the commitment to precautionary measures to prevent students and teachers of schools and universities in Egypt from being infected with the new Corona virus. Starting.

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