Sources: Suspension of efforts to float the rogue ship in the Suez Canal.


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Sources in the Suez Canal confirmed on Saturday that efforts to float the defaulted ship had been suspended and completed on Saturday.

Lieutenant General Osama Rabie, head of the Suez Canal Authority, confirmed the continuation of efforts to float the gigantic Panamanian container ship, NEVER GIVEN, which is stranded for the 151 km of the canal numbering.

The head of the authority announced the start of the towing maneuvers of the delinquent ship through 9 gigantic locomotives in front of the locomotive “Baraka 1” and the locomotive “Izzat Adel”, after the completion of the dredging works in the front of the sending by means of the dredge “Mashhour”.

Lieutenant General Rabie explained that towing maneuvers require the availability of several auxiliary factors, the most prominent of which is the direction of the winds and tides, which makes it a complex technical process that has its own estimates. procedures and multiple attempts at traction. sites and tests.

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