So far, how much have the two candidates earned in the electoral college?


While Americans await the results of the vote count in those extraordinary elections to meet their next president, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden continue their race to win the states in succession and accumulate votes in the electorate.

To date, no official results have been issued, but preliminary results reported by research centers and primary media.

In this context, some polls reported that Biden obtained 119 votes in the electoral college against 92 for Trump, while the Edison Research Center indicated that the Democratic candidate received 44 votes against 26 votes for his opponent.

Observing that the results are emerging from more states, which will change the numbers from time to time.

It is noteworthy that each candidate needs to obtain 270 votes from the electoral college, or what is known as an electoral college.

The rules of this system?

This electoral system, which some consider outdated, is based on the decision of 538 members of the so-called electoral college, who meet in their state capitals once every four years after the presidential elections to determine the winner.

And each presidential candidate must get an absolute majority of the body’s votes, or 270 out of 538 votes, to win.

This system dates back to the Constitution of 1787, which defines the rules for presidential elections by indirect universal suffrage in a single round.

The founding fathers of the United States saw in this a compromise between the election of a president by direct universal suffrage and his election by Congress under a system that they considered undemocratic.

However, hundreds of proposals for amendments or the abolition of the electoral college were submitted to Congress over the decades, but none passed!

It is noteworthy that the current elections, which took place in an exceptional situation, in light of a strong division in the country, and the cause of the Corona virus, which has swept the world, especially the United States, which registered record numbers. It witnessed a remarkable turnout in early voting, as more than 100 million Americans cast their Arabic early and postal votes in many states, and various court decisions allowed dozens of states to complete voting and recount even after the end of the November 3, which may actually delay the release of official results. For the elections.
