Slow and primitive and 93 will not be repeated .. The Danish media talk about Egypt


The Danish media, read and visible, showed great interest in facing the descendants of the Vikings with Egypt next Wednesday in the framework of the quarterfinal matches of the World Handball Championship.

Handball experts, television channels and electronic newspapers highlighted a series of reports on the upcoming match, which will bring together Denmark, champion of the second group in the main role of the World Cup with Egypt, fourth group rider and organizer of the competition .

The different Danish media were concerned about the absence of the public from the meeting and its negative impact on Egypt, in addition to recovering the memory of the defeat against the pharaohs in the final of the World Youth Championship in Egypt in 1993, in addition to talking about some technical issues .

Yallakora monitors the most prominent text in the Danish media, as mentioned in the following lines:

The 93 primitive and final methods will not be repeated

“The Egyptians have a very high mind and spirit, I have to admit, but their movement on the field is slow and primitive. They have some who have individual abilities, but they are definitely not comparable to Michael Hansen or Niklas Landen.”

If we were to face Egypt with 20,000 fans, we had a right to be concerned. They would put a lot of pressure on the referees. We can remember what happened at the 93rd World Junior Championship and what the fans did at that time, but with empty seats, the match will be for Denmark. “

Quoted from: BTV, reported by Danish journalist Soren Baske.

Masters Denmark

“Handball Masters, Denmark will face Egypt, host of the World Championship in the quarterfinals, after the latter achieved a draw with Slovenia to snatch the qualifying card with Sweden in the fourth group.”

Cited by: Jyllands-Posten

Slow and predictable … but the mindset is great

“The world before Corona is completely different at its distance, and handball differs with the presence or absence of the masses, and now I have no doubt about Denmark’s victory over Egypt, and I think he is our favorite opponent.

We are sitting here in front of the heating fires, but in the stadium with the presence of the fans there is a fight, now the road to Denmark is much easier and we have a great opportunity in the absence of the fans.

In the absence of the fans, Egypt has a good team, but it is within reach, it will not be difficult for Denmark, but you have to be careful because their mentality is great, and they have good players, now they will find us and they want to evict us in any way .

The Egyptians have good defense and their mentality is excellent, but their rebounds are very slow and predictable for their opponents, they often confuse the ball in attack and they try in various ways to penetrate only from deep.

“I think Denmark won the match 60% compared to Egypt’s 40%, but we haven’t seen Denmark under pressure in any match yet.”

Quoted by: Dane Jan Poulsen, coach of the German team Filensburg

We will put them under pressure

“The absence of 17,000 Egyptian fighters in the stands is a matter of great importance to us. They are always on their feet and cheering loudly in the matches of their national teams, and now our opportunity is enormous to seize this opportunity.”

Our team can and must put pressure on Egypt from the start of the match, and we are confident in our high speed in counterattacks. “

Quoted from: Handbold, the Danish handball news site
