Sisi’s directives to achieve crop self-sufficiency


08:18 am

Wednesday May 13, 2020

Cairo – (ASA):
The Cairo newspapers published today, Wednesday, highlighted the activity of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi yesterday, and his directives to achieve self-sufficiency in crops. She also highlighted her greeting to Egyptian nursing staff to celebrate International Nursing Day.
Under the title “Increasing the agricultural area to achieve self-sufficiency in crops”, the Al-Ahram newspaper highlighted President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s emphasis on the importance of trying to achieve self-sufficiency in crops; As a strategic objective and a coherent approach for the state, especially by supporting successful projects with outstanding productivity and performance and maximizing the area of ​​agricultural land.
The newspaper indicated that this occurred during the President’s meeting yesterday with Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, and the meeting included both the Assistant President of the Republic for national and strategic projects, the Minister of Water and Irrigation, the Minister of Agriculture and Land Recovery, and the Director General of the National Service Projects Authority of the Armed Forces.
“Al-Ahram” highlighted the president’s directives to strengthen the system of dairy collection centers at the Republic level and increase its efficiency in order to increase the productivity and quality of this important food product, while providing financing necessary in this regard, in addition to directing to support the national beef project and doubling its size and productivity and expanding NGO participation in this framework; Because it has an effective communication network with young educators at the republic level, to present a pilot project to them.
The newspaper quoted a spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, Ambassador Bassam Radi, saying that the meeting dealt with the developments of the projects of the Ministry of Agriculture in various areas, as well as the Sinai development project, where they were reviewed. Livestock, poultry and fish production project developments, including the National Vitality Rehabilitation Project, the Dairy Production Increase Project, and the Blank Fill Project. And the realization of productive capacities in farms with the objective of increasing livestock and the genetic improvement project, in addition to presenting the executive position to the Sinai development projects and reviewing the proposals and scenarios presented in this regard, especially regarding the project. Recovery and Tierra de Tzraa, in addition to the provision of water resources efforts and the necessary infrastructure to support these projects.
Under the headline “Sisi Greets Nursing on its International Day,” the Al-Gomhoria newspaper highlighted President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s praise for the efforts and sacrifices of nursing staff within the framework of the noble humanitarian message they carried out with honor and honor.
The newspaper quoted a publication on its personal page on social media on the occasion of International Nursing Day, in which it said: “On World Nursing Day, in my own name and on behalf of the great Egyptian people, I offer a tribute of thanks and respect to the nursing staff who make costly sacrifices for the noble human message they carry out. With special effort and honor during this difficult period, during which they demonstrate their competence and devotion to the country and its people. “
On the Corona virus, and under the title “Global health: the situation is stable in Egypt”, the newspaper “Al-Ahram” stated that the World Health Organization confirmed that things in Egypt are stable regarding the spread of the Corona virus, and that the epidemiological situation is controlled daily with the Ministry of Health and Population, and that the organization provides technical support and all the capabilities it needs.
The newspaper noted that the organization made clear, during the press conference held by its regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean through a “video conference,” which called for an increase in the number of examinations and tests to detect infected people and contacts with cases that tested positive for the virus, which was carried out by the Egyptian state.
Al-Ahram mentioned that this occurs as the new virus continues to jump in the number of infections worldwide, amounting to 4.2 million cases, therefore, world health called for full vigilance in trying to lift isolation restrictions.
In the context of local affairs news, the newspaper “Al-Akhbar” highlighted the decision of the Supreme Judicial Council headed by Chancellor Abdullah Asr at its meeting yesterday, to gradually return to work in the Court of Cassation, the courts of higher appeals, primary courts and specialized courts, after the festive blessed Eid Al-Fitr.
Under the title “Courts go back to work after the Eid holiday,” the newspaper quoted counselor, Mohamed Reda, deputy chief of the Court of Cassation and media adviser to the Council President, saying that emphasis was placed on continuing to take all preventive and precautionary measures and taking into account the controls mentioned in the Prime Minister’s decisions in this regard.
Al-Akhbar also reported on the statements of Minister of Justice Counselor Omar Marwan, in which he said: “We are sure that everyone wants to follow the instructions and help implement them, and it was agreed to work during the summer months to compensate for the period of deferrals in the consideration of cases and preserve the interests of citizens and the will. ” Each authority and judicial body completes the litigation automation system in conjunction with the Ministry of Communications and with technical assistance from the Ministry of Justice. “
In turn, the newspaper “Al-Gomhoria” noted that the Ministry of Education has put an end to all technical problems of schools with the online platform, and confirmed that it works efficiently at the Republic level.
Under the title “Shawky: the online platform works efficiently to receive research,” the newspaper quoted the Minister of Education and Technical Education, Dr. Tariq Shawky, as saying that the technical problems facing 628 schools have been resolved to make the platform’s efficiency rating is 100% in all schools in Egypt.
He pointed out that the various basic education schools continued yesterday to receive research projects from students who want to deliver them on paper depending on the conditions established by the ministry and the precautionary measures aimed at reducing the risks of the spread of the emerging coronavirus.
He also mentioned that general high schools witnessed an average turnout to get the school seat numbers, where the school administration promised to deliver the numbers in the yards, and entry processes were organized to avoid overcrowding, while teachers wore masks and gloves.
Regarding examinations at the end of the current academic year for students in second high school, Al-Gomhoria indicated that approximately 571,000 students continued to take tests from their homes through the testing platform from their homes, where students took their exams in the physics subjects of the Science and History Division of the Literary Division, where the questions came without complaint. .
As for the newspaper, Al-Ahram, it is titled “The Minister of Defense: Securing Borders in All Strategic Directions”, to highlight the statement by Lt. Gen. Muhammad Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Production Military, that the armed forces fully implement their tasks to protect the homeland, preserve its sanctities and secure its borders in all strategic directions coincide with providing all means of support to help state agencies face the dangers of the Corona virus, He also noted continued efforts throughout the day to carry out major national projects that are overseen by the implementation of the armed forces while maintaining the highest security standards.
The newspaper noted that this occurred during Lieutenant General Muhammad Zaki’s meeting with students from military colleges and institutes, the Technical Institute of the Armed Forces and members of the colleges’ faculty through the “videoconference” network, in the presence of the Lieutenant General Mohamed Farid, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and leaders of the main branches and various leaders of the armed forces.
“Al-Ahram” stated that the Minister of Defense noted the affinity of the General Command to provide all the means of support to build new generations capable of taking responsibility for protecting and defending the country, and his affirmation that young people are the hope Egypt and a way to build its glory, with its strong will, determination and determination to defy difficulties. .
