Sisi: The lines announced in Libya achieve balance and maintain the political course of the issue


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On Saturday, President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi received Adel Al-Asoumi, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, in the presence of Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of Parliament, and Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador Bassam Rady, official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, said that the meeting sought to discuss “strengthening the role of the Arab Parliament for the sake of dialogue and democracy.”

The President welcomed Al-Osoumi to Egypt, highlighting Egypt’s full support for the Arab Parliament as a platform that interacts with the concerns of the public opinion of Arab peoples regarding various vital issues, and the extent of its role. to contribute to the consolidation of stability as a popular force for the Arab labor system and an effective partner in serving the supreme interests of the Arab nation and strengthening ties. Among his people.

on your side; Al-Asoumi expressed his honor to meet with the president; It appreciates Egypt’s role in promoting joint Arab action at various levels, including the Arab Parliament, in the context of Egypt’s pioneering parliamentary expertise and experience, and also points to the unprecedented development process that Egypt is currently witnessing. under the leadership of the President and that extends to all aspects of life in Egypt.

Al-Osoumi also emphasized the president’s role in preserving Arab national security, which has been clearly and strongly embodied in recent years in dealing with various Arab issues, especially previously announced lines toward foreign interference in Libya, which directly contributed to undermining the risks.

In this context; The President emphasized that the announced lines are mainly aimed at achieving balance and preserving the political course of the Libyan question, and stressed that the unity of positions would allow the Arab countries to establish similar lines to safeguard the determinants of Arab national security in all countries. themes.

Sisi receives the President of the Arab Parliament

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