“Silence reveals so much” … Why did 5 presidents refrain from congratulating Biden Palf?


I wrote – Rana Osama:

While congratulations from world leaders to US President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris after winning the most spectacular presidential election in US history, several leaders remained silent.

Among the leaders who have not yet congratulated Biden, according to the US network, “CNN”, are Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Shi Jinping, Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, and Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador .

CNN said, in a report on its website, that the silence of the five presidents thus far “reveals a lot” and reveals their future relationship with the president-elect of the United States.

Vladimir Putin

In 2016, the Russian presidency (the Kremlin) congratulated the outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump, for winning the presidency hours after the election results were announced, but the Russian president did not send the same congratulations to Biden.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that Moscow would await the official election results before commenting on the current result.

During his presidency, Trump opposed US policy with Russia, repeatedly praising Putin, raising doubts that his campaign would allow Russian interference in the 2016 elections that brought him to power.

Consequently, CNN dismissed the continuation of the intimate relationship between Putin and Biden, who promised to treat foreign interference in his country’s affairs as a “hostile act.”

Karen von Hippel, Managing Director of the Royal United Services Institute, suggested that “Biden is working hard with partners and allies to respond to whatever Russia wants, whether he is trying to assassinate Russian citizens abroad, or his opponents, in line with his alleged attempt to poison Alexei Navalny in Siberia, or continue his activities in Syria and Crimea. “

“I think he (Putin) knows that there will be many efforts to try to contain Russia,” he added.


Von Hebel, a former senior non-political adviser to the Obama administration’s State Department, added that the Biden era would represent a major change in Russia, which for years had an advantage in the United States, even at the end of the Obama years.

In late October, Biden described Russia as a “great threat” to the national security of the United States, during an interview with “60 Minutes” on the US network “CBS.”

This was denounced by the Kremlin, announcing its rejection of Putin’s statements. A spokesman for the Russian presidency considered that “such a speech led to an amplification of hatred towards the Russian Federation.”

In the run-up to the elections, the two countries failed to reach an agreement to extend the important “New START” arms reduction treaty, signed by Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in 2010, which the Trump administration was pushing for a pre-election. choice of a pound.

Earlier, Putin said that strategic treaties could be one of the potential points of cooperation with Biden.

Xi Jinping

Despite his rhetoric as a presidential candidate in 2016, then-President-elect Trump was congratulated on his victory by his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, who called for a breakthrough in a “stable” relationship between China and the United States.

While Trump and Xi briefly established an unexpected friendship, relations between the two countries have deteriorated amid deep divisions over trade, technology, human rights, accusations of Chinese expansion, and eventually the coronavirus pandemic.


A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday avoided questions about when to congratulate Biden on his election victory and stressed that Beijing would act “in accordance with international practice.”

It is not hard to guess from Beijing’s reluctance to congratulate Biden, as the latter boasted of his ability to confront Beijing, unlike Trump, and denounced the outgoing US president’s “hug” of the Chinese president at the beginning of his mandate.

Beijing also believes that it is not required to make new concessions to the United States under a new administration, according to CNN. While von Hebel hoped to achieve a degree of coherence between the two countries in the Biden era, it could work in Beijing’s favor.

Although Biden will be tough on China and work with partners and allies to develop a coordinated policy toward China, Hubble hopes the United States will work with China in areas where there are common interests, be it climate change or North Korea, under the election program of Biden.

He continued: “I think he (Biden) would be better for China because he is organized and identified in opposition to Trump.”

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

As a candidate for president, Trump praised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his rude handling of his opponents, especially after the failed coup attempt in July 2016. After reaching the White House, he praised his controversial referendum victory. on the constitution, under which Erdogan gained broader executive powers that were toughened. His control over the country.

In short, with Trump taking office, Erdogan got a largely absolute mandate to do what he wanted, which would be completely different from Biden, who has yet to recognize Erdogan as the elected president of the United States.


Speaking last year on a special episode of “The Weekly” broadcast on the US channel “FX”, Biden expressed his concern for Turkey, promising to take a “completely different” approach to it, including supporting opposition leaders and the Kurds.

Erdogan enraged NATO by purchasing Russian weapons and supporting attacks against American and European interests in the Middle East.

This prompted Biden to threaten Erdogan with “paying the price” for these measures, even threatening to stop selling American weapons to Turkey.

Jair bolsonaro

Jair Bolsonaro, known as “Trump of the Tropics,” has also remained silent following the loss of the outgoing US president.

Bolsonaro and his sons, who play an active role in politics, as well as the Trump family, have expressed optimism about the latter’s reelection for a second term.


His son, Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, who wore the “Trump 2020” hat on a trip to Washington as his father’s envoy, questioned the votes Biden won and the integrity of the entire American election, in tweets on Twitter last week.

With Trump’s departure, Bolsonaro lost an important diplomatic ally, only to find himself faced with an American president interested in human rights issues and the Corona pandemic, which the Brazilian president had always denied until Covid-19 affected him.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made a carefully worded statement on the US elections. He did not refer to Biden as the winner, but said he “must wait until the legal appeals on the vote count are finished.”

“We will wait for all legal problems to be resolved. We do not want to be reckless or act lightly. We want to respect the right of the people to self-determination,” he added in the statement issued immediately after Biden’s victory was announced.


López Obrador has forged a close relationship with Trump in recent years, and the two men met in July to celebrate the implementation of the trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

López Obrador’s reluctance to congratulate Biden may be due to his friendship with Trump, and this step can also be interpreted as a continuation of Mexico’s foreign policy approach to avoid commenting on the affairs of other countries, according to CNN.
