Signs of sensitivity to caffeine


If a single cup of coffee makes you feel nervous, shaky, or anxious, you may have a sensitivity to caffeine.

Sensitivity to caffeine can be due to factors such as genetics and pregnancy. Although it is not usually dangerous, it can be annoying and uncomfortable.

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Understanding Caffeine Sensitivity:

Caffeine sensitivity occurs when you feel the effect of caffeine quickly or when you consume very little.

“An allergy to caffeine can make people feel the effects of caffeine more intensely than someone less sensitive,” says Morgan Claire, a Sprint Kitchen dietitian. “For some people, a cup of coffee may look like three or four cups.”

One of the main causes of caffeine sensitivity is heredity. There is an enzyme in the liver that is responsible for 95% of caffeine metabolism in the body. There are two types of this enzyme, and carriers of a single copy can metabolize caffeine more slowly and thus experience its effects over a longer period of time.

Plus, it may be easier for receptors in the brain to stick to caffeine molecules, says Gina Lijphart Rhodes, PhD, who is also a nurse at Nurse Together.

Symptoms of Caffeine Sensitivity:

Signs of a caffeine allergy range from mild irritation to severe development. According to Roads, symptoms of a caffeine allergy include: headache, insomnia, fast or high heart rate, anxiety and tension.

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While most of these signs are harmless, when symptoms like a racing heartbeat accompany health conditions like heart disease, they can be dangerous.

Can you get rid of a caffeine allergy?

The answer depends on whether or not you can get rid of the caffeine allergy.

“If it’s caused by genetics, there’s no way to change your caffeine sensitivity,” Claire says. “Sometimes a constant intake of caffeine makes the body more tolerant of caffeine. Most of the evidence for this is unconfirmed, but many people have reported an increase in tolerance with increased use of caffeine. “”.

However, if you experience serious side effects from caffeine, trying to push yourself to tolerate caffeine can be dangerous.

“It is recommended to avoid it if there are other health effects, such as high blood pressure or anxiety,” says Claire. “Caffeine use is highly recommended on an individual basis.”

And if you are allergic to caffeine, you should also avoid foods that contain caffeine. Although caffeine content is not often mentioned on the label, quickly searching for specific foods should give you the information you need.

Source: Business Insider
