Shocking details about the death of an Egyptian player who swallowed his tongue – the athlete – Arab stadiums


Egyptian press reports revealed shocking details about the death of young soccer player Mohamed Hani Al-Kuri, the 2004-born El-Sikkah player, who passed away after experiencing a coma that led him to swallow his tongue during a match between his team and the children of Qena at the Al-Nahhas stadium in Alexandria.

The death of the young player raised several questions and raised many questions about the causes of death, especially in the absence of an ambulance on the field to rescue the player, after he was exposed to a coma that led him to swallow his tongue and then to a sharp drop in blood circulation, leading to death.

The Egyptian newspaper Al-Watan quoted a specialist from the Al-Ostool team, who was an eyewitness to the incident: “We were organizing a match in the stadium together with the Al-Nahhas company.

He added: “I ran into the stadium in place of the incident and found the player lying on the ground and having a spasm from swallowing his tongue, while the coach and assistant referee tried to open the player’s mouth at the time. Traditionally, I brought a medical device to those cases and indeed the player opened his mouth and began to breathe ».

Lack of ambulance or doctor.

He continued: I asked him the reason for his fall and if there was a collision or contact that caused that, so I was informed that he fell alone and swallowed his tongue due to a coma. The match, we contacted the ambulance and informed them. About the state and before they reached the stadium, the player fainted again, I tried to revive him and wake him up.

The newspaper added, citing eyewitnesses, that there was no doctor or paramedic inside the match stadium, while others confirmed that the lack of ambulances in the youth stadiums is a great disaster and alarm, and indicated that ambulances are sometimes replaced by cars that transport the dead inside football stadiums, especially since the ambulance rent is 500 to 700 pounds, which is difficult for popular clubs to bear.

The referee should have canceled the match because there was no ambulance.

Dr. Mohamed Sultan, Head of the Medical Committee of the Egyptian Football Association, commented on the young player’s death: “There are clear instructions not to start any match without an ambulance, in all leagues and at all ages.” .

He added: “It is assumed that the referee will cancel the match, in the absence of an ambulance, and this is stipulated in the competition regulations.”

The club, the railroad to which the player belonged, announced the suspension of sports activity and the state of mourning for a period of 3 days, in mourning for the spirit of the deceased youth.

The Alexandria Football Region Competitions Committee decided to postpone Al-Sikkah club matches in all Youth Sector competitions on Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays, lamenting the player at the request of the club’s board of directors.

Read also:

The death of an Egyptian player who swallowed his tongue during a match

