Shocking confessions of a father whose son was massacred in Dakahlia: “I wanted to rest and comfort him” (details)


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On Monday, the Mansoura Center Prosecutor heard the detailed confessions of “Mahmoud HA”, the father who confessed to killing his son, and dumped his body on the side of the road in one of the Mansoura Center villages in Dakahlia governorate .

The father justified his actions during the prosecution’s investigations by saying that “he wanted to rest from the problems caused by his son, and relieve him of the dark future that awaits him,” adding: “My son Adham is 13 years old, and he is sick and suffering. of excessive electricity in the brain, and has cases of arousal, and caused many Problems include hitting his school and always fighting with his classmates and sisters.

He added: “Several days before the incident, I heard him speak while in the bathroom and say that me and his mother loved his sister more than he did and that he had to kill them all, so I was afraid that he would commit a crime and he will tire in his life, so I decided to kill him until he relaxes and relieves us ”.

About the crime, the father said: “I threw him on my way to the gym, and gave him juice with anesthesia, and after he lost consciousness I stopped to buy a medical scalpel at a pharmacy, then I sacrificed him with it, and they anesthetized him, and he didn’t feel anything, then I threw his body to the side of the road ”, adding:“ I went home after the incident and asked about him, but I couldn’t find him, and we looked for him everywhere, as if nothing had happened , and people started searching with me, and I posted his photo on my Facebook page, and asked people to look with me and tell me where he was, if they saw him so that I could take my suspicions off. In the event that the body is found, and I wish the dogs would eat it before they found it. “

And he continued during the investigations: “I love my son and I was afraid that he would get tired in his life and his future would be dark because he would spend his life in jail for his problems. He was also afraid of his sisters, so I decided to console him and relieve them. of his presence “.

Major General Raafat Abdel Baath, Dakahlia Security Director, had received a notification from Major General Mustafa Kamal, Directorate Investigation Director, that a report had been received from the people of the village of “Dibo Awam” , affiliated with the Mansoura Center, that the body of a child had been found next to a canal connecting the villages of “Dibo Awam” and Mitt. .

Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Tawfiq, head of the Mansoura Center investigation, went to the place of the report, and during the examination it was found that the boy’s body “killed them. M. H”, 13 years old, and a resident of the village de Tanah, affiliated with the downtown district, had a cut throat wound on his neck where his photo, specifications published by his father and clothing matched the photo. Social networking sites where you turn to whoever finds your child to report their whereabouts

The mabahith called out to the father of the boy who knew him, and a state of anger prevailed among the people of the village of Tanah and the neighboring villages, due to the ugliness of the accident, and they all began to comfort the grieving father of their son and all they demanded the arrest of the perpetrators.

A report on the incident was prepared and sent to the Public Ministry, who went to inspect the location of the body and decided to transfer it to the morgue of the Mansoura International Hospital, and the forensic doctor was assigned to explain the cause of death, and the investigations promptly investigated the incident and its circumstances and the speed of the arrest of the perpetrators.

Due to the importance of the incident, the director of investigations formed an investigation team headed by himself and the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Tawfiq, head of the investigation center, and the criminal investigation, information and technology officers. The investigations revealed 72 hours after the incident, the cameras were emptied around the minor’s house, and the place where the body was found revealed an unexpected surprise, which is that the minor’s father is the author of the crime. Investigations confirmed that the car that the father had rented to commit his crime had a “GBS” device, which detects the places and routes he took, and the investigation department was able to determine his route from when he left the exhibition until stopped at the place where the crime was committed.

Investigations and tracking cameras confirmed that the boy’s father rented a car and followed his son after he left the house on his way to the “gym” and asked to accompany him. Then he stopped in front of a pharmacy in the town of Mit Gheron, the Department of the Center, to buy a medical scalpel, which is the tool with which he committed his crime, then he took the boy to the place of the discovery On his body, he massacred him and then dumped it on the side of the road, then put the car back on display and drove home.

The boy’s father was arrested and the prosecution took over the investigations.

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