She became a full-fledged, beautiful woman … an international wrestling star who surprises his wife by changing her gender.


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American Gabriel Alan Toft, former WWE professional wrestling star, better known as “Tyler Rex” in wrestling rings, announced the change of gender and name.

After a series of successful shows, Gabi left the professional wrestling arenas to spend more time with his family, his wife Priscilla and their daughter, and together with his wife he founded a fitness company with an app to transform the body, the mind and soul of men and women through exercise videos, nutrition programs and motivational workouts.

The 42-year-old fitness expert released a statement, describing his journey as an exciting and secret story.

“Gabe is about to share his exciting story about the gender transition from a WWE superstar, bodybuilder and fitness expert to a full-blown beautiful woman,” the statement said, according to PR Newswire.

The statement continued: “Despite the successes during and after his WWE career, Gabe was still wrestling with a secret character that dwelt deep within him. This character had been quietly hiding within his tumultuous spirit since childhood. “.

“Finally, with the blessing of his loving wife Priscilla, Gabe is ready to reveal his true identity. Now he is known as Gabi, a beautiful, wise, intelligent and brilliant woman,” the statement concluded.

Gabe ended his professional career in 2012, and his most notable successes were at “WE Florida Championship Wrestling.”

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