Shabana on Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV: Rabie Yassin and her apparatus are excluded from the national teams


Media journalist Mohamed Shabana revealed on Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV that a decision will be made to prevent Rabie Yassin and his apparatus and the youth team doctor from returning to work for the national teams, following the crisis that hit the youth team in Tunisia and the withdrawal of the pharaohs from the African championship. .

Shabana said, through a program with Shabana on Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV, that preliminary inquiries revealed that the technical, administrative and medical apparatus did not comply with precautionary measures in Tunisia and did not undergo continuous smears after traveling early. , despite the warnings of the Football Association and the CAF Medical Committee..

On the other hand, Shabana confirmed through a program with Shabana on Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV that the FIFA elections will be held on January 31, according to the instructions of FIFA, and that the new council will have a mandate of 4 years. .

Shabana added, in a program with Shabana on Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV, that FIFA president Infantino rejected Amr Al-Ganaini, former president of the Quintet, for not holding elections due to the ban on general assemblies by the Corona virus, after he learned of the recent holding of the House of Representatives elections in addition to the World Cup next month. .

The media journalist Mohamed Shabana appears through his program “Con Shabana” on the page “El Séptimo Día” 3 days a week, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 5:00 pm, and deals with sporting events, records about summer transfers, as well as player crises with their clubs, and everything new in the sports community..

The program “Con Shabana” on the pages of “El Séptimo Día” deals with all the files and sports issues on the soccer field, the most important of which is what is happening within the two soccer poles and their new offers in summer transfers..
