Serie A clubs say their words about the resumption of the season


According to Italian press reports, the health protocol for the resumption of group exercises was revealed by the Federation, which agreed to quarantine the entire team for a period of 15 days in the event of an injury to their ranks with “Covid -19 “.

This point constituted a recovery course in recent days between the political and health authorities, on the one hand, and sports and clubs, on the other hand, and the latter called for the isolation of the person who was shown to be infected with the newly emerging coronavirus, rather than isolating the entire team.

On May 4, the clubs reopened training centers, but only for individual exercises, and also under strict safeguards, in an effort to prevent the spread of “Covid-19”.

It was announced that injuries had been registered between the Turin, Fiorentina and Sampdoria clubs.

Italy is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic worldwide, with more than 31,000 deaths reported.


The “Siri A” clubs had previously indicated their intention to end the season, but for the first time propose a specific date, the approval of which will be linked to the approval of the government of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

After a general assembly held by them, the clubs issued a statement that said: “Regarding the resumption of sports activities and regarding government decisions and in accordance with medical protocols for the protection of players (.. .) The date of June 13 was chosen to resume the championship “, like all sports activities. , Since March 9.

In recent days, the government, especially through the statements of Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora, warned him not to rush into the resumption of activity, especially in the absence of an agreement on a strict health protocol to guide the clubs apart from the training and competitions of the teams.

But Spadafora confirmed today that he will allow the return of the group exercises from May 18 as the clubs expected, after accepting the protocol.

“A few minutes ago I received a message from the president of the federation, Gabriele Gravina. He told me that the federation followed all the recommendations of the technical and scientific committee and modified its protocol, thus allowing group exercises to resume on May 18 in the absence of any other problems, “Spadafora said in comments on Wednesday afternoon.

According to Italian press reports, the health protocol for the resumption of group exercises was revealed by the Federation, which agreed to quarantine the entire team for a period of 15 days in the event of an injury to their ranks with “Covid -19 “.

This point constituted a recovery course in recent days between the political and health authorities, on the one hand, and sports and clubs, on the other hand, and the latter called for the isolation of the person who was shown to be infected with the newly emerging coronavirus, rather than isolating the entire team.

On May 4, the clubs reopened training centers, but only for individual exercises, and also under strict safeguards, in an effort to prevent the spread of “Covid-19”.

It was announced that injuries had been registered between the Turin, Fiorentina and Sampdoria clubs.

Italy is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic worldwide, with more than 31,000 deaths reported.
