Sea Freight Experts: Suez Canal Ship’s Float Depends on “Articulation Depth”.


09:25 p. M.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Books – Mahmoud Abdel Rahman:

Several experts in shipping and logistics expected navigation traffic on the Suez Canal waterway to return to normal in the next few hours, after being temporarily suspended for the past 48 hours; Due to the crime of the giant container ship EVERGIVEN. Eight locomotives belonging to the Suez Canal Authority are in charge of the rescue operation, along with Dutch and Japanese rescue teams to float the ship, which was on a journey from China to the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

The stranding of the 400-meter-long ship, considered one of the largest in the world, was due to the lack of visibility and the loss of the piloting capacity of its crew, as a result of the dust. storm that crossed the country last Tuesday morning, according to the Suez Canal Authority. Maritime and logistical, that the amount and depth of the ship’s hull that hits the bottom is what determines the difficulty of floating the ship, and the return of navigation traffic on the inland waterway, through which 12% of the volume of global trade, and the maritime transport expert expects the completion of the salvage operation in the next few hours, and the return of materials to their nature in the nautical galleries that connect the Mediterranean and Red Seas

Wael Wasfi, an expert in maritime insurance, awaits the completion of the salvage operation and the flotation of the ship, whose tonnage weighs 224 thousand tons, tomorrow night, Friday, explaining that the “dying” of ships is a matter that can happen on any global shipping course, and it can take days, as it did on the Suez Canal waterway. This can result in global browsing interruption. Wasfi claims that the company that owns the ship and the insurance companies under its umbrella are the ones to assume compensation if the insurance is claimed, either for the Suez Canal Authority or for the ships and other companies that were affected by the accident, and you are obliged to deal with The incident is within your limits and not exaggerate or accuse the Suez Canal Authority of negligence, especially after the Dutch rescue company praised the action taken by the crisis committee of the Authority.

Captain Mustafa Khalil believes that the ship can float in hours, or the process of rescuing it takes several days, and the Crisis Committee that deals with the situation on land is the one that can resolve the matter, explaining that what happened is a natural . thing, and should be dealt with in this context.
