Scientific study reveals relationship of vitamin “D” with Corona death rates


A scientific study reveals the relationship of the vitamin.

Vitamin D supplements

A study published on the site “Medrixif” for research confirmed that there is a strong relationship between severe vitamin D deficiency and death rates with “Covid-19”.

The research team, under the supervision of Northwestern University, performed a statistical analysis of data from hospitals and clinics in European countries, China, and the United States, noting that “patients from countries with high death rates from the virus, like Italy, Spain and Great Britain, they have victims with lower levels of vitamin D “. “Compared to patients in non-severely affected countries.”

The authors caution, “This does not mean that everyone, especially those without vitamin deficiencies, needs to start stacking nutritional supplements.”

“I think it’s important for people to know that vitamin deficiency may play a role in the number of deaths, but we don’t need to push everyone to take it,” said research supervisor Vadim Buckman of Northwestern.

He added: “The issue needs further study, and I hope that our work will stimulate interest in this field, and the data may help set new treatment goals.”

By analyzing publicly available patient data from around the world, Buckman and his team uncovered a strong correlation between vitamin D levels and cytokine storm, a highly inflammatory condition caused by overactivity in the immune system, as well as association between vitamin deficiency and mortality.

The storm of “cytokines” causes severe damage to the lungs and leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome and death, and this appears to kill most patients with the virus, does not destroy the lungs with the virus itself, and this It is the effect that vitamin D plays, according to Bakman.

The research emphasized that “vitamin D” not only improves the innate immune system, but also prevents our immune system from becoming dangerously hyperactive.

Source: “Wakalat”
