Schubert: It is my personal responsibility, the Jabaliya elections in January … and the Abu Raida council will return


Media journalist Ahmed Schubert confirmed that the Football Association elections will be held on January 30 or 31, highlighting that engineer Hany Abu Raida deserves to raise his hat after having done everything he wanted and will return with his full pension to manage the ball in Egypt. M: “Under my personal responsibility, I confirm that the Football Association elections will take place on January 30 or 31, after the cabinet welcomes the exclusion of the Football Association from the decision to avoid holding of generalities in the first half of 2021 due to Corona. “

And Schubert added: “Mabarh Ahmed Mujahid, Magdy Abdel Ghani, Khaled Latif and Muhammad Abu Al-Wafa held a meeting in the Football Association under the auspices of Hany Abu Raida, and wrote the next electoral plan, they paralyzed the eight-year clause. and they elected 96 clubs to vote in the Jabaliya community. “

And Schubert continued: “Khaled Latif, Magdy Abdel-Ghani, Muhammad Abu Al-Wafa, Essam Abdel-Fattah, Tharwat Sweilam, Ahmed Mujahid and Dina Al-Rifai will be members of the next board of directors of the Football Association and in the presidency Hany Abu Rida will appear and the deputy seat is reserved for the new faces of Mahmoud Al-Shami and Mahmoud Al-Shami, such as the new Mahmoud Al-Shami and Mahmoud Al-Shami. “

And Schubert added: “In the era of Abu Raida, Ahmed Mujahid is the current president of Jabalia, controlling everything from the first security man to the Egyptian national team, everything is in his hands only, and Abu Raida is just a prestige. It was agreed to prevent media professionals from running in the elections and Fatah was resolved.The deadline for the candidacy is the first week of January.

Schubert continued: “There is no one left to tire his heart, I wish that we all raise our hat to Hani Abu Raida because he did everything he wanted and would return to Jabaliya with all his advice, and no one worked his brain in the Football Association except the five-year committee headed by Amr Al-Janaini. Nobody imposed anything on them and did not interfere in their work. We want to be unfair to the current members of the tripartite committee, because only Ahmed Mujahid is the one who manages to pave the mountain and arrange for the flowers for the return of Abu Raida at the end of next January ”.

The tripartite committee in charge of the management of the Football Association, chaired by Eng. Ahmed Mujahid, sent a request memorandum to the Ministry of Youth and Sports to exclude Jabalia from the decision to prohibit the holding of general assemblies by the spread of the Corona virus and the holding of elections at the end of the committee’s mandate set for next January 31..

The memorandum presented by the committee included several points, the most important of which were the following:

*The presence of FIFA as a key element in the matter of the convening of a general assembly to elect a new board of directors of the Football Association is in line with Egyptian law that requires compatibility with international charters and agreements, and does not override by I complete the role of the law..

*Emphasizing that the annual ordinary general meeting takes place once a year during the four months following the end of the fiscal year, while the extraordinary general meeting is held at any time of the year at the request of the Board of Directors, which is conforms to the Sports Law and does not contradict it at all..

*Emphasizing that FIFA decided to appoint a temporary committee more than a year and more than 4 months ago, and despite FIFA’s assertion that elections must be held during the appointment period, and this request has not been completed during this appointment period, before a new tripartite committee is appointed to hold and finalize the elections That a FIFA delegation come to supervise the elections and follow up on this mandate by the end of next January.

*Egyptian law stipulates that the term of the club’s boards of directors shall be 4 years or until the end of the Olympic Games.:

Invite the General Assembly of the Football Association to call and hold the elections on January 30 in accordance with strict criteria and procedures consistent with the decisions of the Council of Ministers regarding the Coronavirus, and that the duration of the elected council will be 4 years as of the holding of the general assembly, and in the event that the Olympic Games are held on time, the work of the elected council ends at the end of the session. And after that, new elections are called..

It was highlighted during the speech that the works of the candidates for the elections would be accepted on January 8, and that the elections would be held on January 30 at 1:00 p.m. at the National Team Center on October 6 with the presence of 96 delegates representing 96 member clubs of the General Assembly, and that the elections would be held in a room. Its area is 600 square meters, in addition to the registration area, and its area is 400 square meters, after the voting is completed, the member leaves. Directly to another room according to an approved plan.
