Schubert Announces Al-Ahly’s Refusal to Grant Century Club Case Following Zamalek’s Telephone Request


The outlet, Ahmed Schubert, revealed that the Al-Ahly club will at this time refuse to give up its case against Zamalek regarding the Horn of Africa Club title, especially as the vision is still unclear inside the White Castle, and Schubert said on his radio show on On Sport FM: “Al-Ahly has filed a complaint against Zamalek in the economic court, and used his right to preserve his trademark of the Horn of Africa Club, and the court postponed the ruling to three next January.“.

Schubert added: “Zamalek wants to open a new page with Al-Ahly, and a phone call was made between the current Zamalek administration and the Al-Ahly administration, and what I learned is that Al-Ahly welcomes the opening of a new page with Zamalek in his current administration, but he will not renounce the issue because the previous Zamalek administration is still chasing the current administration with cases. ” The world is unclear, so Al-Ahly will wait until the current situation is demystified“.

And Schubert continued: “The current Zamalek administration is proceeding with a scientific framework, and Dr. Ashraf Sobhy said that the inspection of all sports administrations is still in place, which means that everyone who takes office must fear. God and knowing that God is right and that the bad deception is only against his family, and that defends him. With the pages of social networks, it will not last. In the end, only the correct one is true. Let us know it with the truth“.

Schubert noted that “Al-Khatib wore Zamalek’s jersey, Hassan Shehata, Farouq Jaafar and Ali Khalil wore Al-Ahly’s jersey in my retirement match and I had the honor of photographing with them. It is not necessary and the value of it. what is happening now is a serious shame. ““.

The Al-Ahly club is demanding 50 million pounds from the Zamalek club, as a kind of compensation for the damages caused by the use of the Century Club logo by the white club, which is the title originally awarded to its counterpart. red from the African Football Association 19 years ago, specifically in 2001.

Al-Youm Al-Sabea learned that the Economic Court deliberated on the case brought by Al-Ahly against Zamalek and decided to postpone it until January 3 next, at the request of Zamalek officials. .

It should be noted that the Al-Ahly club previously announced its intention to file a claim for compensation before the competent courts for material damage to the club, its investments and commercial rights, as a result of the infringement of its title and slogan (the Century Club) , which is one of the components and elements of your investments..
