Saudi Entertainment Announces Screening of Adel Imam’s Play “Body Guard”


The president of the Entertainment Authority, Turki Al-Sheikh, announced that the authority had obtained the rights to exhibit the latest work of the great artist Adel Imam under the name “Body Guard”. The play will soon be broadcast on the “vip witness” platform for the first time.

“Body Jar” is the longest play in the Arab world (180 minutes). Its first performance was in 1999, featuring the late artist Ezzat Abu Aouf, Saeed Abdul-Ghani, and Sherine Seif Al-Nasr, and it is the last play to feature star Adel Imam on stage. After that, he did not participate in any theatrical work, and was satisfied with the cinema and drama, and the theatrical performances continued for 11 years and achieved great success; In 2010, producer Samir Khafaji’s show was suspended due to economic conditions and the theater’s stagnation.

The facts of the play revolve around the prisoner “Adham” who makes a deal with the imprisoned businessman “Saad”, accused of stealing 700 million pounds, to work as a bodyguard for his wife, “Aisha”, who falls in love with “Adham”. Eventually, “Kazem” Siddiq discovers that “Saad” informs him of this exaggerated interest, and “Saad” discovers his wife’s betrayal, then fabricates an accusation for “Adham”, while trying to escape with the money he stole, but “Adham” gets in his way.
