Saudi Arabia’s First Comment on US Intelligence Report on Maq


11:10 pm

Friday, February 26, 2021

On Friday, the Saudi Foreign Ministry announced that the Kingdom categorically rejected the US intelligence report that was delivered to the US Congress on the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi.
Al Arabiya TV quoted the Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry on Friday, a statement that reads:
“The State Department followed up on what was circulated about the report that was delivered to Congress on the murder of the citizen, Jamal Khashoggi.
It points out that the Kingdom government categorically rejects the abusive and incorrect conclusions contained in the report on Kingdom leadership and cannot be accepted in any way, and that the report included a set of incorrect information and other conclusions.
It confirms what was previously issued in this regard by the competent authorities in the Kingdom that it is an atrocious crime that constituted a flagrant violation of the laws and values ​​of the Kingdom committed by a group that violated all the regulations and violated the powers of the agencies. they were working on, and all necessary judicial measures have been taken to investigate and bring them to justice, as final court judgments were handed down against them, which the Khashoggi family welcomed.
It is truly regrettable that that report and its incorrect and unwarranted conclusions were issued at a time when the Kingdom condemned this heinous crime and its leaders took the necessary steps to ensure that such a regrettable incident would not be repeated in the future, and the Kingdom rejects any matter that may harm its leadership, sovereignty and independence of its judiciary.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirms that the alliance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America is a strong and solid alliance, based during the last eight decades on solid foundations based on mutual respect, and the institutions in the two countries They are working to strengthen them in various fields and intensify coordination and cooperation among them to achieve security and stability in the region and the world. We hope that these solid foundations, which formed a solid framework for the strategic partnership of the two countries, will continue, “according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
Correspondents for global networks confirmed that the Khashoggi’s murder report contained no evidence or information. Following the publication of the report, the State Department stressed that “Washington is still determined on its relationship with Saudi Arabia.”
