Samir Sabry: Suad Hosni was killed at home and did not fall off the balcony (details)


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Artist Samir Sabry said that according to the British and Egyptian forensic report on Souad Hosni’s death, he confirmed that there was no skull fracture, indicating that he did not fall from the balcony.

Sabri added, during her meeting with the “One of the People” program on the “Al-Hayat” channel: “I believe that Suad Hosni was killed after a fight with someone, and the body was left on the street and there is no suicide or Nothing of that”.

He continued: “I knew that the owner of the apartment where Suad Hosni resides in London drinks drugs, and when I asked her about her last encounter with Suad Hosni, her words were contradictory, and I mentioned it in the photographic investigation I presented to solve the mystery. Cinderella’s departure ”.

  • The situation in Egypt

  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality


  • The situation in the world

  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality

