Salah: I was disappointed not to take the Liverpool captaincy


Mohamed Salah, the Liverpool player, confirmed that he was disappointed that he wanted to show off his captaincy recently, indicating that in the end he respected the coach’s decision.

Salah said during an extensive interview with the Spanish newspaper “AS” and it was published through the stand of different newspapers in Arabic, Spanish and English, in response to a question: What if he was not a footballer? “It’s difficult. I used to play soccer when I was 10 or 11.” Dedicated to being a footballer, I really don’t know what else I could have done. “

He continued: “It’s very difficult, and I didn’t think much about this, I used to go to the club and come back, and when I was 14 I was traveling to Cairo and back to my hometown, so my whole life was football, not really. I know what I could do. ” Other than that”.

“The player must sacrifice many things and dedicate his whole life to football. This is one of the things we face. It is very difficult because you sacrifice your life for football,” he added about the difficulties he faces as a footballer.

He continued: “And it was also difficult for me because I changed my way of thinking and some things in my life. This cost me some time and effort. It was a bit difficult at first, but now I can deal with situations and overcome them easily.”

“We haven’t talked about it yet, but in the last Champions League game, you took the captaincy, and in the end this didn’t happen. How do you see it?

The Liverpool player replied: “In fact, I was very disappointed. I was hoping to take the captaincy, but this is the coach’s decision and I accept it.”

Salah spoke about Maradona’s death, saying: “It was sad news for everyone. We noticed that the whole world was shocked and everyone was feeling sad. Maradona was an inspiration to most footballers, and perhaps to all players, he did something special in Naples and with the Argentine team “.

He concluded: “It’s sad to hear the news of her death, and I just hope her family feels better after a while. In fact, I don’t know what to say in this case, but it was really sad news.”
