Robbery with “Corona”. Two thieves devise a new trick to complete the robbery in Germany


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The Corona virus no longer threatens only the lives of people, it has become one of the weapons of criminals, for use in robberies without anyone being able to avoid them.

In Germany, two thieves devised a ruse to rob a food and clothing store, and one of them declared an injection contaminated with the emerging virus “Corona”, to rob the place, according to local German media.

The German newspaper “Bild” reported on its website that the incident took place on April 22 in the western city of Krefeld, and quoted the police as saying that the two thieves are “a man and a woman, aged 37 and 41, respectively”.

According to the Arab “Sky News”, the police of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where the city of Krefeld is still looking for thieves, who were able to steal clothes and food from the store, before fleeing Harbin, according to the newspaper .

City police explained that they had encountered men and women through surveillance cameras at the scene of the accident, pointing out that they were drug addicts and did not have a specific home address.

Surveillance cameras showed the man the thief, pulling a syringe out of his pocket and making it public in front of employees and customers inside the store, last Wednesday, threatening anyone who stood in his way.

It was not known exactly if the injection that the thief had threatened was actually contaminated with the Corona virus.

On Sunday, Germany recorded 1,737 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the total number to 154,175 cases, at a time when authorities recently allowed some of the closures imposed by the outbreak to be lifted.

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