Reports reveal when African Champions League competition will resume


12:24 am

Saturday April 25, 2020

Books – Muhammad Hammam:

Moroccan press reports have stated that the African Football Confederation (CAF) will decide to resume the CAF and the Confederation Championships next September.

Moroccan newspaper “The National Team” revealed that some sources from “CAF” are likely to conclude the Confederation and African Champions League Championships next September.

The Moroccan newspaper added that establishing two semi-finals and finals matches before this date will be difficult given that most African countries have extended quarantine in addition to closing airspace and, therefore, the return of local competitions. in African countries it will be at the end of July.

The African Football Confederation previously announced that the semifinal matches will be postponed, along with the final of the CAF and CAF competitions, indefinitely due to the new Corona virus (Covid 19).

The CAF Champions League semi-finals resulted in fierce clashes when Al-Ahly faces Morocco’s Wydad Casablanca, in return Zamalek will play against the Moroccan slit.

It is worth noting that Tariq Bushmawi, a member of the Executive Committee of the African and International Federation, revealed in statements in his interview with the French newspaper “Le Parisien” that “K” could resume his heroism after several months and could be after a year.
