Renewing the detention of those accused of threatening Omar Jaber and his family: we are the reason for their success


Mostafa Bakr:

Published in:
Saturday May 9, 2020 – 12:02 PM
The | Last update:
Saturday May 9, 2020 – 12:02 PM

• Accused of the prosecution: we demand £ 13 million of our rights

The opposition judge at the North Giza Court decided to renew the imprisonment of two friends of Omar Jaber, the former player of Zamalek and the current Pyramids, for 15 days pending investigations, on the authority of Khalifa accusing them of threatening the player with death and transmitting threatening letters to his wife and children with death.

The defendants said before the indictment that they have credit for Omar Jaber to achieve these great successes in his life, due to his attendance at him and his early settlement at Zamalek to the Pyramids, and we demand £ 13m of our rights.

The prosecution of Agouza, headed by counselor Jamal Al-Jablawi, ordered last Thursday to imprison the accused for 4 days pending investigations, under the authority of Khalifa, accusing them of threatening the player with death and transmitting threatening letters. his wife and children with death, because the player refused to respond to them and pay 10% of the value of his transfer to the Club of the Pyramids.

Shaban Saeed, the player’s lawyer, told Al-Shorouk that the defendants had a strong relationship with Omar Jaber, and that they were playing with him in Zamalek’s youth, and that after the player signed a contract with The Pyramids Club asked him for a sum of £ 10m after the player bought a unit. He resided in October for the defendants, but they were not persuaded for that, so they asked for more money, so the player refused and the defendants began to transmit threatening messages to the player and his wife, so the player issued a report to the Attorney General, and they were arrested.
