Reham Saeed: “I suffered from a disease like Houria Farghali … and my nostrils can fall out while prostrating myself.” (Video)


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The outlet, Reham Saeed, revealed that she suffers from a health crisis similar to the one that artist Horia Farghali suffered on her nose.

“Said” said during the episode of his program “Sabaya Al-Khair” on the channel “Al-Nahar” on Wednesday: “I suffer from the same disease that the artist Horia Farghali suffers, and that is why she is undergoing surgery. American state of Chicago, and the first operation lasted 10 hours. “

Reham Saeed added: “Houria Farghali deserves to pray, and I suffered from the same disease that Houria Farghali now suffers from. No, no, and praise God, our Lord covered her with me and the cartilage set in my nose.”

She added: “A lot of people see me on social media and bully me, and you say, uh, you treated him with plastic surgery, and this speech, even if he’s blowing and talking like that, even though I haven’t done anything. for 3 years “.

And he continued: “Now I cannot pray while I am prostrate for the climatic cartilages to fall off because the climatic cartilages are not fixed … and a complete nose operation can only be performed after lung removal. And the cost of this operation is very high and only a doctor can perform it in the United States of America, and it is a very, very difficult process ”.

Reham Saeed stressed: “I confirm that the subject is very difficult to breathe and live, and it is possible that at any moment the cartilage of the tubes will fall, and it is very dangerous for life.”

And he concluded: “Pray to Huria Farghali from the heart … I say this for the unjust people who claim to be plastic surgeries, and the tiring thing is that all the cartilage is removed from the nostrils for a certain time, and praise be God, may God cover you. ”

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