Real Madrid legend: Messi had no choice but to stay in Barcelona


Real Madrid legend: Messi had no choice but to stay in Barcelona


Real Madrid legend Hugo Sánchez declared that Lionel Messi had no choice but to retract his departure from Barcelona due to bad advice from his father and his agent Jorge.

Sánchez said: “He has no choice but to drink garlic and tea in the next eleven months. Messi loves to win titles and he will need to find another team where he can win tournaments and show that he is the best player of all time.”

He explained: “The whole Barcelona problem will distract attention next season, so there will be doubts about Messi’s behavior and the fact that he is not the same young man running through the stadium.”

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Sánchez had criticized Messi’s handling of his crisis with the Barcelona administration, as he told US sports network ESPN: “This surprising porfax only strengthened the image of the Barcelona president and gave him time to weaken Messi’s decision. “.

And he added: “Messi had no choice but to stay in Barcelona due to the bad advice of his father and the firm, because they could have saved that porfax, and that made his image within the team weaken. Coincidentally, Messi had lawyers than before. They worked with Barcelona, ​​but because of Conflict of interests The Catalan club changed strategy ”.

He continued: “If Messi and his father had already made the decision to leave Barcelona they would not have had to wait in time, but before the end of the term agreed in the contract, they had to tell the club that they wanted to leave at the end of the season without pay any compensation if they planned it, it should have been. ” Be so. “

The Real Madrid legend explained: “Messi’s second problem was to send this Borofax without certainty and ensure that they have a team that can pay 700 million euros, because of the epidemic there is no team in the world that can do that.”

Messi had sent a fax to the Barcelona administration demanding the activation of a clause in his contract that would allow him to leave for free, but the administration of President Josep Maria Bartomeu rejected it, and the Spanish League confirmed that the Argentine must pay 700 million euros on the value of the penalty clause in your contract, if you decide to leave.

Lionel Messi, 33, was forced to make the decision to stay in Barcelona one more season due to his reluctance to get into problems with the management that would come to the courts because of the penalty clause, and is expected to leave at the end of the season (2020-2021).

Source: “AS”
