Rajai Attia announces “i’tikaaf”: thugs prevented him from entering the “Arab Lawyers” building


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Rajai Attia, Director of the Bar Association and President of the Arab Lawyers Union, led a live broadcast for lawyers from across Egypt and the Arab world on Monday.

Attia said, “I wanted to talk to you today, which is the first day of i’tikaaf that I decided, until God decides to decree His order. My chest has really tightened, and I wanted to explain to everyone what could be trapped in my chest or a duty to show and explain to them “.

He added: “I am an ordinary Egyptian person, I am 82 years old, who has known from me throughout my life that I am not hostile to an opinion holder, and that my constitution is amnesty, and that any dispute is resolved through the love and dialogue, and throughout my life all these years I have focused only on my work and my story in it is divided between the performance of legal work. Be it court or law, and between thought, culture, patriotism and authorship, whether of articles or books, I am not saying out of pride, but to explain to myself that the number of my books is 106 books and that there are 3 books in print that They take care of all this effort, in addition to the legal work, without forgetting the duties of the Union. Lawyers are many and, of course, it is one of my priorities, as is the Arab Lawyers Union. Whoever is concerned about all this will not find the time, the desire or the intention to fight, hostility or get into trouble. “

And the head of the Bar Association added: “Throughout my life, some may disagree with me, and this is possible, but even among the offenders I have met with respect and appreciation, and I have not received insults and insults in my life, and I have always been satisfied with this love and appreciation, but I barely assumed my position as captain of Egypt’s lawyer since 3/19. / 2020 I opened a lava of people who could be experts in the legal profession and didn’t really work with it, and they opened the pages and sites and got used to insulting me, defame me and insult me, as if they had received the green signal that they had to offend me , I received countless insults, and I received projectiles of insult, slander and insult not He listed it and everyone knows it and he is present on the pages of social networks, and I did not want this insult for cursing like him, nor this slander for slander like him, and I endured what is being plotted against me with patience, spanking and God’s help, and I have even forgiven some of those who offended me and made mistakes in my right because the father forgives many times. And I consistently forgive my life.

The president of the Bar Association stated that after studying the files of the Bar Association he sent notices to the Supreme Public Funds Prosecutor’s Office, stating: “I hope it is clear that these reports are contradictory to corruption and crimes and the appropriation of the money of the Bar Association, which is public money under the law, without disputes with the people. Most of these reports did not mention the names of the individuals, and I was content to bring the incident in question, which relates to their investigations of those who have or have not been convicted of these crimes, before the prosecution.

Attia assured that it was not motivated by personal enmity, and until now continues to adhere to this principle, stating: “I sealed the incidents of corruption and I fulfilled my duty to inform the prosecutor responsible for them, and to assist if they asked me to present evidence that I might know ”.

He revealed that at the beginning of his term, the esteemed advisor met with Hisham Badawi, head of the Central Audit Organization, and told him in writing in a short memorandum that he had run into deep-rooted corruption in the Union that was impossible for him, Through his personal effort, he reached out to his sources who moved him, adding: «I mentioned to him that everyone. What I ask the agency is that they look to the general union and all sub-unions to control the work and find out the violations and correct them if they are wanted and responsible for which they could be held accountable alone, and he told me that they tried, and that each time they find repulsion and objections, and mentioned the name of the perpetrator but I don’t like it. To remind you, and that you are fully prepared to play the role I asked you again.

And he continued: “He responded graciously and formed a committee headed by an undersecretary of the apparatus and assigned him a space in the Union and expanded it with all the devices he requested to help him in his work, and everything that the committee asked us to present to him, This is not a fight with the people, but a fight for corruption if proven, and the body check will not exclude anyone. Including my work, I also met with the head of the Administrative Control Authority for the same purpose, and I told him in writing and verbally what I said to the head of the Central Audit Agency, and in the presence of three of his deputies, I demanded that administrative control take over the union and its subsidiaries to find out how things are handled and put the hand of justice in sources of corruption to stop it. Graciously”.

The president of the Lawyers Union highlighted: “This was not a dispute with the people, but a dispute with corruption, and an effort to stop corruption and a prelude to doing everything possible for reform, which is basically my goal: financial, union and professional reform, to respond to complaints, so when I attend to complaints that occurred against many lawyers, who were removed with null and unfair decisions, and in many cases lacks objectivity, I am in this duty not to antagonize the source of the decision nor the one who asks for it or the instigator of the same, but I study the case, and if an injustice arises, I push it when it falls so that it can resume its career and practice it.

Regarding his accusation of being hostile to Egyptian security, he said: “This is an impossible accusation, and it is inconceivable for any sane person. Yesterday I demanded that Egyptian security protect me. How could I disagree with him, much less hostile against him? I see this and I don’t need proof, that all the police have had contact with me for years. ” You know that I am committed to legitimacy, courteous in what I seek, in a state of permanent cooperation within the framework of legitimacy and the achievement of justice with all organizations.

“Attia” continued: “Another witness; On February 6, in the midst of a 2011 crisis, in the midst of a loud roar, everyone considers the criminals as martyrs, and they are exhausted in achieving that status soldiers and policemen who are murdered with knowledge of criminals, terrorists and members of a specific political spectrum, whether in attack departments or police stations and others, and I said to Mrs. Mona Al-Shazly And you welcomed me to the air, what do you think of the simple soldier or the non-commissioned officer or the officer who was killed while pushing the aggression against his weapon or the oath or the police station where he works? Is she a martyr or not, and with her clarity and without discretion can she answer that she is a martyr, but glory for her? To show what “.

The head of the Legal Profession stated that this courageous dialogue was carried out in the interest of the police at the height of the crisis of the events of January 2011, continuing: “Who is doing this in defense of the police at a time when who is attacking them and does not need them and needs to defend them, it is inconceivable that he is now hostile to the police and needs their protection. “The last thing attributed to me is anti-police or Egyptian security.”

Attia explained: “When yesterday I complained about the terrible raid in front of the building of the Arab Lawyers Union, of which I am president, and I was prevented from entering by some thugs who closed the gate in front of me and refused to open it despite knowing that I am the president of the union, and I stayed two and a half hours in front of the door of the union that I head, am I prohibited from entering? Whining, and seeking help from Egyptian security, and seeking help from Egyptian authorities, knowing that my assistance is accompanied by courtesies and phrases that do not exceed the limit at all.

In a related context, the president of the Arab Lawyers Union declared: “I have no enmity with anyone, much less say that I am in conflict with the Arab Lawyers Union. This word that implies it is incorrect.” Rather, it is impossible that those who divorce them are certified by what they say in my right, not to mention that it is said that there are exchanges between the union and me. I defend the Arab Lawyers Union and its rights not only as the president of the union, but as the head of the Egyptian lawyer in the host state, charged with protecting the headquarters. .

The President of the Federation revealed the details of his speech addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shoukry, following excerpts from it, which were as follows:

With reference to the headquarters agreement signed between the General Secretariat of the Arab Lawyers Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt as representative of the Egyptian government and signed by you on 3/6/2000, and the provisions contained in this agreement that stipulate that the Arab Lawyers Union carries out its activities within the Arab Republic of Egypt as an international non-governmental organization, provided that the host state undertakes under the third clause of the same agreement to provide the security and protection necessary for the headquarters of the organization.

While, unfortunately, some of those who are originally affiliated to the federation or members whose mandate has expired continue to repeat the assault on the federation’s headquarters and on the head of the federation in my capacity as president and Bar Association of the host country , with the help of thugs and people outside the federative system, and this attack, which amounted to the occupation of the headquarters, continued to terrorize the employees. The union and the seizure of the Secretary General’s office, stamps, documents and files, which is what the legitimate General Secretariat reported to the Prosecutor’s Office, and for my part, as captain of the lawyer of Egypt, host country and president of the federation , I put on stage the sovereign organs.

As an Egyptian and a Christian, the Arab Lawyers Union, and responsible for its headquarters in Egypt, wished to consolidate the ties of fruitful and constructive cooperation for Egypt with all the Arab member states of the Union, and I am sure that it will take all necessary measures. to protect the Union headquarters from all forms of abuse against it, the Secretary General and his employees. .

So please turn to the concerned authorities to provide the necessary security and protection for the headquarters of the Arab Lawyers Union, which they forcibly occupied and deprive you of legitimate authority.

In a continuous context, Attia explained that the Secretary General of the Federation, Mr. Nasser Al-Kreween, was the one who presented communications a priori, not against the Federation or the instigator whom he does not know, but against the aggressors of the union. On November 19 he issued a statement, addressed to me, following the text of the speech.

In response to saying that he is the honorary president of the union, Attia explained that the Basic Law of the Union stipulates that its fourth article states: The union is headed by the President of the Lawyers’ Union of the Arab Republic of Egypt, adding: he said, it was someone who worked for him as president.

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