Put on the muzzle | A university doctor kills an infected Corona student


The pioneers of the social networking site launched Twitter this morning, Tuesday, the hashtag # Youssef Fayyad_Mate.

Youssef Fayyad, a young man from the second division of the Sinai University School of Physical Therapy, suffered from Corona symptoms in light of the university midterms.

As a result of this effort, Youssef died on the spot, causing the students to alienate the doctor and demanding his dismissal.

Read also:

The student sent his message to the doctor, saying, “Peace be with you, doctor.

The doctor replied: “I wear the mask, the Almighty, there are no excuses as long as I do not want the result and it comes out positive.”

The tweets of the Twitter pioneers were as follows:

– He died because of an exam, God have mercy on him.


-God have mercy on you, Yusuf. You couldn’t defeat Corona

And you couldn’t get your right to medical care

And when you can take your right to postpone your exams


J – The pain of the heart of your family is on you. Is Med what makes you the cause of death for the sons of Adam? In paradise And Joseph, God willing

– Oh my heart, oh my son, a broken heart. May God have mercy on you and patience. The heart of your mother, Lord, remove plague and affliction from us, and have mercy on us. # Yusef Fayyad

Our children’s lives are more important than exams


May Allah tell us and grant us the best in everything that was the cause, and our Lord is patient with his family and has mercy on us.

– We belong to God and to Him we will return, oh God, make of his grave a garden of the gardens of Paradise and inspire his family with patience and comfort. # Yusef Fayyad

– No need to break a heart, a broken heart More than I read the news that a young man is educated, outstanding, educated and has a promising future.

Future countries, countries of hope, countries of hatred, a young man as roses is gone.

# Corona separated a young man with the opening of his world at first and an old man The evil mentality of the ignorant enemies of science is enough for you when they control a frowning face


– We will not forget you with a broken heart. # Yusef Fayyad died
