President El-Sisi issues 4 new Republican decisions … Get to know them


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On Monday, the Official Gazette published 4 new Republican decisions by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

The first decree is No. 116 of 2021, and establishes that “a special account will be opened in the central bank within the unified treasury account in which the income from the work of the central administration of agricultural quarantine in the Ministry will be collected. of Agriculture and Land Reclamation will be deposited ”.

The second decision is No. 117 of 2021 and provides for the appointment of 79 vice presidents of the State Litigation Authority, 113 representatives of the State Litigation Authority, 165 Commission advisers, 74 category (A) auxiliary advisers, and 274 auxiliary directors of category (B).

The third decision is No. 118 of 2021, and provides for the appointment of 69 deputy directors of the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, 110 first general agents of the administrative prosecutor’s office, 249 public agents of the administrative prosecutor’s office, 254 heads of the category administrative prosecutor’s office. (A), and 244 heads of administrative process of category (B).

The fourth decision bears No. 119 of 2021 awarding the Medal of Perfection of the second class to 34 women.

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